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NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Skittle is a 2D visualization of genome sequence files. The program assigns four colors to the four nucleotides and text wraps the sequence to create a 2D picture based on the DNA sequence. Great for researching tandem repeats and chromosome structure.
Compiled downloads available at http://dnaskittle.com/
Source maintained at https://github.com/josiahseaman/skittle
A tool for visualizing regular polytopes in stereographic projection. Capabilities include: a large database of Coxeter polytopes, 6-axis motion control, animation, fly-though, stereo viewing, high-res capture, depth-blur, and many style options.
Vurtigo is a 4D (3D + time) real-time visualization software for guiding cardiovascular interventions. It is primarily intended for use with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, and also actively tracked catheters and navigational devices.
The latest releases are not available on sourceforge; check out the vurtigo.ca link below for the most up-to-date version.
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PyOSG is a python wrapper for the OpenSceneGraph. Version number corresponds to the version of OpenSceneGraph that PyOSG should work with (e.g. PyOSG 2.8 should work with OpenSceneGraph 2.8.x). Still in early stages, so email mday299 if any problems!
Extremely Lightweight Beat Detection Algorithm - BeatDetektor uses a very simple statistical model designed from scratch by myself to detect the BPM of music and provides real-time feedback useful for visualization and synchronization.
PyramidWorkshop is an image-compression System based upon the scientific work of John Robinson (inventor of BTPC) about image-compression with adaptive linear predictors and is in average more efficient than PNG/JPEG2000.
Koolon is a simple graph (network) modeling tool with interactive data visualization like Prefuse. It allow to create entities, relations, ontologies, directed and undirected graphs and any abstract network models.
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Take a gander with Gander! Gander is a lightweight scene renderer for prototyping and viewing GLSL shaders. It makes tying together OpenGL and GLSL easy by using XML scene graphs. Plus, it supports some advanced features like multiple render passes.
Knitter produces a 3-dimensional model of a knitting pattern. It supports KnitML, as well as a native language similar to that of traditional knitting patterns.
ViSBARD (Visual System for Browsing, Analysis, and Retrieval of Data) is an interactive visualization and analysis tool for space physics data. It provides an integrated 3-D/2-D environment to analyze measurements across many spacecraft and MHD models.
MSP Visualizer creates SVG graphics suitable for viewing grouped variable plots together with messages between groups. It is done by combining vertical message sequence charts with plots.
An implementation of Bruhn et al.'s fast variational optical flow algorithm using the OpenCV image processing library. The code calculates dense flow fields with a user-specified level of precision.
Avenzoar is a one-year exploration of renal cell carcinoma morphology and its related single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPa) as a method of automating diagnosis of cancer by using a computer-aided decision tree controlled by analytical statistics.
HCI for audiovisual live performance exploiting physical computing.
Transform your standard musical instrument - electric bass, guitar, violin, piano etc - in an augmented tool, an audiovideo controller without exploiting any specific ext. hardware.
A Mac OS X framework implemented in Objective-C 2.0 that reads and parses ASCII DXF files. The framework returns an array of custom entity objects that can be used as needed by the program implementing this library.
GeoGlyph is an application that can be used to create contours from stereo pair images or anaglyph images. The software can export points to a number of different formats. GeoGlyph strives to be as easy to use.
Group Explorer is mathematical visualization software for the abstract algebra classroom.
Users can explore dozens of finite groups (and morphisms among them) visually and interactively.
An application designed to display series of images with a special focus on display quality and extremely precise display timing. The project provides a tool for use in scientific experiments involving display of visual stimuli.
equal III is an equation visualization tool. It's possible to graph f(x,y) = 0. So it is able to graph systems of equations and inequations, and do graphic change analysis.
SYSTEM FOR DESIGNING AND SIMULATE CONCURRENT AND DISTRIBUTED PROGRAMS IN CLUSTER ARCHITECTURE Provides graphical interface for configuring relationships between cooperating, abstract processes and simulate it in real cluster environment, using MPI.
APTo is a free and open-source tool to view, explore and analyse 3D Atom Probe data. You can start by simply opening a *.pos file with the corresponding *.rng file.
osgGtk is a library of C based Gtk+ and C++ based Gtk-- widgets to support OpenSceneGraph (OSG) applications. The library also includes several example applications such as osgviewerGtk and osgviewerGtkmm.