Showing 643 open source projects for "all-in-one"

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  • The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform Icon
    The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform

    Powering publishers, brands, and sports teams with 30+ interactive content types. Maximize engagement and revenue with Riddle.

    Riddle is an online platform for creating interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, personality tests, prediction games, and leaderboards. Our customers create content on our platform and then embed it on their website. The goal? Increased engagement, lead generation, segmentation, and content monetization - all 100% GDPR compliant.
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  • Embedded Analytics for Demanding SaaS Teams Icon
    Embedded Analytics for Demanding SaaS Teams

    icCube is a Dev2Dev platform for B2B software and SaaS companies to empower their customers with embedded analytics and dashboards.

    Dashboards will seamlessly blend into the SaaS solution’s UI and UX experience, while resting on top of icCube’s robust analytical engine, allowing to consume complex data models needing sophisticated data security.
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  • 1


    Package to make C++ libraries available in Julia

    This package aims to provide a Boost. Python-like wrapping for C++ types and functions to Julia. The idea is to write the code for the Julia wrapper in C++, and then use a one-liner on the Julia side to make the wrapped C++ library available there. The mechanism behind this package is that functions and types are registered in C++ code that is compiled into a dynamic library. This dynamic library is then loaded into Julia, where the Julia part of this package uses the data provided through a C...
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  • 2


    Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia

    Makie is an interactive data visualization and plotting ecosystem for the Julia programming language, available on Windows, Linux, and Mac. The backend packages GLMakie, WGLMakie, CairoMakie and RPRMakie add different functionalities: You can use Makie to interactively explore your data and create simple GUIs in native Windows or web browsers, export high-quality vector graphics or even raytrace with physically accurate lighting. Choose one or more backend packages: GLMakie (interactive OpenGL...
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    Nebula Graph

    Nebula Graph

    A distributed, fast open-source graph database

    The graph database built for super large-scale graphs with milliseconds of latency. Optimized SUBGRAPH and FIND PATH for better performance. Optimized query paths to reduce redundant paths and time complexity. Optimized the method to get properties for better performance of MATCH statements. Nebula Graph adopts the Apache 2.0 license, one of the most permissive free software licenses in the world. Free as in freedom, because, under the Apache 2.0 license, you can use, copy, modify...
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    Apache Doris

    Apache Doris

    MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and analysis

    Apache Doris is a modern MPP analytical database product. It can provide sub-second queries and efficient real-time data analysis. With it's distributed architecture, up to 10PB level datasets will be well supported and easy to operate. Apache Doris can meet various data analysis demands, including history data reports, real-time data analysis, interactive data analysis, and exploratory data analysis. Make your data analysis easier! Support standard SQL language, compatible with MySQL...
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  • PRTG Network Monitor | Making the lives of sysadmins easier Icon
    PRTG Network Monitor | Making the lives of sysadmins easier

    Stay ahead of IT infrastructure issues

    PRTG Network Monitor is an all-inclusive monitoring software solution developed by Paessler. Equipped with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface with a cutting-edge monitoring engine, PRTG Network Monitor optimizes connections and workloads as well as reduces operational costs by avoiding outages while saving time and controlling service level agreements (SLAs). The solution is packed with specialized monitoring features that include flexible alerting, cluster failover solution, distributed monitoring, in-depth reporting, maps and dashboards, and more.
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    adaptive 1d numerical Gauss–Kronrod integration in Julia

    This package provides support for one-dimensional numerical integration in Julia using adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature. The code was originally part of Base Julia. It supports the integration of arbitrary numeric types, including arbitrary-precision (BigFloat), and even the integration of arbitrary normed vector spaces. The package provides three basic functions: quadgk, gauss, and kronrod. quadgk performs the integration, gauss computes Gaussian quadrature points and weights for integrating...
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    A lightweight stream processing library for Go

    A lightweight stream processing library for Go. go-streams provides a simple and concise DSL to build data pipelines. In computing, a pipeline, also known as a data pipeline, is a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time-sliced fashion. Some amount of buffer storage is often inserted between elements.
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    Grid-based approximation of partial differential equations in Julia

    Gridap provides a set of tools for the grid-based approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs) written in the Julia programming language. The library currently supports linear and nonlinear PDE systems for scalar and vector fields, single and multi-field problems, conforming and nonconforming finite element (FE) discretizations, on structured and unstructured meshes of simplices and n-cubes. It also provides methods for time integration. Gridap is extensible and modular. One can...
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  • 8


    Frequency tables in Julia

    This package allows computing one- or multi-way frequency tables (a.k.a. contingency or pivot tables) from any type of vector or array. It includes support for CategoricalArray and Tables.jl compliant objects, as well as for weighted counts.
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    Reusable compiler infrastructure for Julia GPU backends

    Reusable compiler infrastructure for Julia GPU backends. This package offers reusable compiler infrastructure and tooling for implementing GPU compilers in Julia. It is not intended for end users! Instead, you should use one of the packages that builds on GPUCompiler.jl, such as CUDA.jl or AMDGPU.jl.
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  • Desktop and Mobile Device Management Software Icon
    Desktop and Mobile Device Management Software

    It's a modern take on desktop management that can be scaled as per organizational needs.

    Desktop Central is a unified endpoint management (UEM) solution that helps in managing servers, laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets from a central location.
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    Discrete event process oriented simulation framework written in Julia

    A discrete event process-oriented simulation framework written in Julia inspired by the Python library SimPy. One of the longest-lived Julia packages (originally under the name SimJulia).
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    Mixed-effects models in Julia

    Mixed-effects models in Julia

    A Julia package for fitting (statistical) mixed-effects models

    This package defines linear mixed models (LinearMixedModel) and generalized linear mixed models (GeneralizedLinearMixedModel). Users can use the abstraction for statistical model API to build, fit (fit/fit!), and query the fitted models. A mixed-effects model is a statistical model for a response variable as a function of one or more covariates. For a categorical covariate the coefficients associated with the levels of the covariate are sometimes called effects, as in "the effect of using...
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    Fast, general-purpose interactive applications for complex systems

    Fast, general-purpose interactive applications for dynamical systems of all kinds, including ODEs, maps, billiards, and agent-based-models.
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    The power of Chart.js with Python

    Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js. The charts created are fully configurable, interactive, and modular and are displayed directly in the output of the cells of your jupyter notebook environment. Charts are fully interactive, you can hover it to display tooltips and select the information you want to see directly from the output cell of your notebook. All the types of charts present in Chart.js are exposed in ipychart. Even complex features...
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    Visual git plugin for Neovim

    Visual Git Plugin for Neovim to enhance your git experience.
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    Testing framework for Julia

    ReTest is a testing framework for Julia allowing defining tests in source files, whose execution is deferred and triggered on demand. This is useful when one likes to have definitions of methods and corresponding tests close to each other. This is also useful for code that is not (yet) organized as a package, and where one doesn't want to maintain a separate set of files for tests. Filtering run testsets with a Regex, which is matched against the descriptions of testsets. This is useful...
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    Multivariate polynomials interface

    MultivariatePolynomials.jl is an implementation-independent library for manipulating multivariate polynomials. It defines abstract types and an API for multivariate monomials, terms, and polynomials and gives default implementation for common operations on them using the API. On the one hand, This packages allows you to implement algorithms on multivariate polynomials that will be independant on the representation of the polynomial that will be chosen by the user. On the other hand, it allows...
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    Framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models

    Welcome to Clapeyron! This module provides both a large library of thermodynamic models and a framework for one to easily implement their own models. Clapeyron provides a framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models, including SAFT, cubic, activity, multi-parameter, and COSMO-SAC.
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    High accuracy derivatives, estimated via numerical finite differences

    FiniteDifferences.jl estimates derivatives with finite differences. See also the Python package FDM. FiniteDiff.jl and FiniteDifferences.jl are similar libraries: both calculate approximate derivatives numerically. You should definitely use one or the other, rather than the legacy Calculus.jl finite differencing, or reimplementing it yourself. At some point in the future, they might merge, or one might depend on the other.
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    Reusable array functionality for Julia's various GPU backends

    Reusable GPU array functionality for Julia's various GPU backends. This package is the counterpart of Julia's AbstractArray interface, but for GPU array types: It provides functionality and tooling to speed-up development of new GPU array types. This package is not intended for end users! Instead, you should use one of the packages that builds on GPUArrays.jl, such as CUDA.jl, oneAPI.jl, AMDGPU.jl, or Metal.jl.
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    Tullio is a very flexible einsum macro

    Tullio is a very flexible einsum macro. It understands many array operations written in index notation -- not just matrix multiplication and permutations, but also convolutions, stencils, scatter/gather, and broadcasting. Used by itself the macro writes ordinary nested loops much like Einsum.@einsum. One difference is that it can parse more expressions, and infer ranges for their indices. Another is that it will use multi-threading (via Threads.@spawn) and recursive tiling, on large enough...
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    Package for writing high-level code for parallel stencil computations

    ParallelStencil empowers domain scientists to write architecture-agnostic high-level code for parallel high-performance stencil computations on GPUs and CPUs. Performance similar to CUDA C / HIP can be achieved, which is typically a large improvement over the performance reached when using only CUDA.jl or AMDGPU.jl GPU Array programming. For example, a 2-D shallow ice solver presented at JuliaCon 2020 [1] achieved a nearly 20 times better performance than a corresponding GPU Array programming...
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    Mac app that shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes, etc.

    Sloth is a native Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running processes on your system. This makes it easy to inspect which apps are using which files and sockets. View all open files, directories, IP sockets, devices, Unix domain sockets and pipes. Filter by name, access mode, volume, type, location, or using regular expressions. Sort by name, process ID, user ID, process type, bundle identifier, etc. Sloth is essentially a friendly, exploratory GUI built on top...
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    A single API for all your integrations.

    Nango is a single API to interact with all other external APIs. It should be the only API you need to integrate to your app. Nango is an open-source solution for integrating third-party APIs with applications, simplifying API authentication, data syncing, and management.
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    Find all roots of a function in a guaranteed way with Julia

    This package provides guaranteed methods for finding roots of functions, i.e. solutions to the equation f(x) == 0 for a function f. To do so, it uses methods from interval analysis, using interval arithmetic from the IntervalArithmetic.jl package by the same authors. The basic function is roots. A standard Julia function and an interval is provided and the roots function return a list of intervals containing all roots of the function located in the starting interval.
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    Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics

    A Julia module that offers various tools for analyzing nonlinear dynamics and chaotic behavior. It can be used as a standalone package, or as part of DynamicalSystems.jl. All further information is provided in the documentation, which you can either find online or build locally by running the docs/make.jl file. ChaosTools.jl is the jack-of-all-trades package of the DynamicalSystems.jl library: methods that are not extensive enough to be a standalone package are added here. You should see...
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