Showing 31 open source projects for "visual basic programming"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1


    Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG

    ... look with unlimited possibilities. Below is an example of synchronized charts with github style. Zoom, Pan, Scroll through data. Make selections and load other charts using those selections. An example showing some interactivity. Another approach to Drill down charts where one selection updates the data of other charts. Annotations allows you to write custom text on specific values or on axes values. Valuable to expand the visual appeal of your chart and make it more informative.
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  • 2
    Julia VS Code

    Julia VS Code

    Julia extension for Visual Studio Code

    This VS Code extension provides support for the Julia programming language. We build on Julia’s unique combination of ease-of-use and performance. Beginners and experts can build better software more quickly, and get to a result faster. With a completely live environment, Julia for VS Code aims to take the frustration and guesswork out of programming and put the fun back in. A hybrid “canvas programming” style combines the exploratory power of a notebook with the productivity and static...
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  • 3
    Bayesian Julia

    Bayesian Julia

    Bayesian Statistics using Julia and Turing

    Bayesian statistics is an approach to inferential statistics based on Bayes' theorem, where available knowledge about parameters in a statistical model is updated with the information in observed data. The background knowledge is expressed as a prior distribution and combined with observational data in the form of a likelihood function to determine the posterior distribution. The posterior can also be used for making predictions about future events. Bayesian statistics is a departure from...
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  • 4


    Open source CSS framework for data visualization

    Charts.css is a modern CSS framework. It uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. No dependencies. 72kb file size. Less than 6kb gzipped file size! Visualization helps end-users understand data. Charts.css help frontend developers turn data into beautiful charts and graphs using simple CSS classes. The data is structured using semantic HTML tags and styled using CSS classes which change the visual representation displayed to the end-user. The framework offers developers...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    FreeImage is a library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP and others). Some highlights are: extremely simple in use, not limited to the local PC (unique FreeImageIO) and Plugin driven!
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    This package provides interoperability between Julia and .NET apps

    This package provides interoperability between Julia and Common Language Runtime, the execution engine of .NET applications. Many languages run on CLR, including C#, Visual Basic .NET and PowerShell.
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    A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights

    ..., text or (mixed) lists. Applying topic models and other text vectorization methods to text data. HyperTools is designed to facilitate dimensionality reduction-based visual explorations of high-dimensional data. The basic pipeline is to feed in a high-dimensional dataset (or a series of high-dimensional datasets) and, in a single function call, reduce the dimensionality of the dataset(s) and create a plot.
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  • 8


    Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform

    ... intelligence, etc. Sharing and intelligence capability means users could share their dashboards with others, which stimulates them to improve the visualization ability both in aesthetic perception and technical skills. In the field of data visualization, Davinci attaches great importance to basic interaction ability and various chart options; meanwhile, it lays more stress on integration and customization capability as well as sharing and intelligence capability.
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  • 9


    Qt Visual Graph Editor

    qvge is a multiplatform graph editor written in C++/Qt. Its main goal is to make possible visually edit two-dimensional graphs in a simple and intuitive way. Please note that qvge is not a replacement for such a software like Gephi, Graphvis, Dot, yEd, Dia and so on. It is neither a tool for "big data analysis" nor a math application. It is really just a simple graph editor :)
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  • The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform Icon
    The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform

    Powering publishers, brands, and sports teams with 30+ interactive content types. Maximize engagement and revenue with Riddle.

    Riddle is an online platform for creating interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, personality tests, prediction games, and leaderboards. Our customers create content on our platform and then embed it on their website. The goal? Increased engagement, lead generation, segmentation, and content monetization - all 100% GDPR compliant.
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  • 10
    Crystalsim -  XRD hkl simulation

    Crystalsim - XRD hkl simulation

    X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for hkl simulation of any crystal.

    Crystalsim is a simple freeware program with a neat graphical user interface for X-ray diffraction (XRD) data analysis . It can simulates all possible {hkl} planes data for the selected crystal. Crystallographic Information File (.cif) can also be used. Analyze both powder diffraction and single crystal data . Indexed at International Union of Crystallography (IUCR). Crystalline lattice parameters such as ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ as well as interfacial angles such as alpha, beta,...
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  • 11

    Newsvendor Model Simulation Spreadsheet

    Excel Spreadsheet Model for Single Period Inventory Problems

    The spreadsheet (Excel) of a single-period inventory model with stochastic demand can be used as a simulation tool for engineering education or Decision Support System. Based on spreadsheet techniques and examples described in the following sources: Albright S. C., & Winston W. L. (2005). Spreadsheet modeling and applications: essentials of practical management science, South-Western Pub. Albright, S. C. W. C., Winston, W., & Zappe, C. (2010). Data analysis and decision making. Cengage...
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  • 12


    The JuliaFEM software library is a framework

    The JuliaFEM software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large Finite Element Models across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. The JuliaFEM software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large Finite Element Models across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed...
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  • 13
    geoStarsLib  - geodetic library

    geoStarsLib - geodetic library

    Geodesy based library (geodetic and geocentric functions)

    geoStarsLib has functions for dealing with many geodesy-based problems found in positioning, pointing, and surveying situations. It is useful to determine absolute position on the earth, pointing vectors, coordinate transformations, and other functions.
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  • 14

    An introduction to Data Analysis in R

    A guide for learning the basic tools on data anaylisis with R

    An Introduction to Data Analysis in R [Book] A guide for learning the basic tools on data anaylisis: process, visualize and learn from your data using R programming. This repository holds the necessary data sets for the book "An introduction to Data Analysis in R", to be published by Springer series Use R!. The book can be purchased in XXX. The book is meant as an introductory guide to manipulate data sets in the Big Data paradigm. One of the main goals of this book is to take...
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  • 15


    Penthode simulates, draw and plot electrical power distributions

    Given a simple net-list describing the high level power architecture of your system Penthode: - simulates the voltage and current from device turn on to the steady state. - highlights components working out of specification - draws a nice power tree diagram showing the currents/powers balance - plots node transient voltage and gate current waveforms It is possible to change component parameters interactively to improve the design
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  • 16


    Testing images for scientific purposes

    ... patterns). Please cite the following papers when using any image in this archive: * ASUNI N, GIACHETTI A, "TESTIMAGES: A Large Data Archive For Display and Algorithm Testing", Journal of Graphics Tools, Volume 17, Issue 4, 2015, pages 113-125, DOI:10.1080/2165347X.2015.1024298 * ASUNI N, GIACHETTI A, "TESTIMAGES: a large-scale archive for testing visual devices and basic image processing algorithms", STAG - Smart Tools & Apps for Graphics Conference, 2014.
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    Graphical Interface for Medical Image Analysis and Simulation

    GIMIAS is a workflow-oriented environment for solving advanced biomedical image computing and individualized simulation problems, which is extensible through the development of problem-specific plug-ins. In addition, GIMIAS provides an open source framework for efficient development of research and clinical software prototypes integrating contributions from the Physiome community while allowing business-friendly technology transfer and commercial product development.
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  • 18
    math lib for .NET. n-dim arrays, complex numbers, linear algebra, FFT, sorting, cells- and logical arrays as well as 3D plotting classes help developing algorithms on every platform supporting .NET. Sources from SVN, binaries:
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    Excel function for multi-criteria selection problems

    SCOREMATH implements the simple-yet-ingenious weighted linear model for multi-criteria selection problems described in Ng, Wan Lung. "An efficient and simple model for multiple criteria supplier selection problem." European Journal of Operational Research 186, no. 3 (2008): 1059-1067. "There are many real situations where the decision makers are able to tell the criteria importance ranking (although they cannot tell the exact values of weights). The decision makers may not have enough...
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  • 20
    Decision Table Preprocessor

    Decision Table Preprocessor

    Ccide is a Decision Table preprocessor.

    Ccide reads a source program, in one of several programming languages, expands all embedded decision tables, and generates the new, expanded source. Ccidew processes C language programs directly. The script, ccide, uses ccidew and m4, to process BASIC, JAVA, CC, C++, BASH, QB, VB, and EX(euphoria), source files containing embedded decision tables. Ccide checks all conditions once and only once, avoiding side effects. Ccide checks tables for conflicts and other errors. Input...
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  • 21
    Mouse Gesture Composer (MGC)
    MouseGestureComposer is a graphical partition editor for visual artists and musicians. Basic elements are mouse movements, placed on a timeline segmented in measures, similar to classical music. Uses Developed by A video tutorial is available here: Main developper: François Zajéga -
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    This toolkit allows complete control of a microscopy setup from Labview, Matlab, Scilab, Python, .Net, VB, IgorPro, Mathematica and more. Included is a standalone program for image acquisition and scripting control of a scientific microscope.
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    A ETL made in VB.NET.
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    Automata Based Programming Tool for implementing logic for J2SE, J2EE and Sybmian applications. Consists of Java FSM Framework and Eclipse Plugin parts. Plugin implements UML model editor, visual debugger, validator, compiler and interpreter for Eclipse
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    Genealogy of Life
    Controversial ideas of Williamson, Margulis & others suggest speciation by hybridizing might be more common than originally thought. Taking this concept to the nth degree & assuming that indeed, speciation mostly occurs by hybridizing events, not the accumulation of mutations or genetic drift, here is a catalogueoflife2gedcom converter. It allows the tree of life to be displayed as a human genealogy tree with hybridizing events depicted as "marriages." The idea then is that mutation...
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