Uncover insights, surface problems, monitor, and fine tune your LLM
Julia package to run Dynamic Power System simulations
Workflow-Streamlined next-generation request tools
Julia for optimization simulation and modeling of PowerSystems
React components for Chart.js, the most popular charting library
Fluid, elastic data abstraction and acceleration for BigData/AI apps
Lightweight + fast physical quantities in Julia
Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia
airda(Air Data Agent
A tool to help improve data quality standards in data science
The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and ML
Synthetic data generators for structured and unstructured text
Training data (data labeling, annotation, workflow) for all data types
AutoGluon: AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
A style guide for stylish Julia developers
A simple tool for the visualisation of coarse-grained systems
Optical Simulation software
Learn Julia the hard way
Davinci is a DVsaaS (Data Visualization as a Service) Platform
Data science at the command line
MapReduce-based tool to remove duplicate DNA reads
Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python
Security Assessment Data Management and Analysis Tool
Penthode simulates, draw and plot electrical power distributions
Objective-C and Swift dependency visualizer