Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
Apache InLong - a one-stop integration framework for massive data
A Julia frontend, written in Julia
An interface for tables in Julia
Forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation primitives
Open-source metadata collector based on ODD Specification
The open source, local-first Webflow alternative
Traits for julia: dispatch on whatever you want using where syntax
Compatibility across Julia versions
Deep neural networks for density functional theory Hamiltonian
Call R from Julia
"Distributions" that might not add to one.
Metaprogramming tools for DataFrames
Qualitis is a one-stop data quality management platform
Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
Recap tracks and transform schemas across your whole application
AutoGluon: AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
WebGL2 powered visualization framework
IANA time zone database access for the Julia programming language
Allows Julia to display images in the kitty terminal editor
Vim bindings for the Julia REPL
Periodic Table for Julians
Read ONNX graphs in Julia
Official Julia implementation of Apache Arrow