Showing 15 open source projects for "load"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

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  • 1


    Simple development server with live-reload capability for Julia

    This is a simple and lightweight development web-server written in Julia, based on HTTP.jl. It has live-reload capability, i.e. when modifying a file, every browser (tab) currently displaying the corresponding page is automatically refreshed.
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  • 2


    HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia

    JLD2 saves and loads Julia data structures in a format comprising a subset of HDF5, without any dependency on the HDF5 C library. JLD2 is able to read most HDF5 files created by other HDF5 implementations supporting HDF5 File Format Specification Version 3.0 (i.e. libhdf5 1.10 or later) and similarly, those should be able to read the files that JLD2 produces. JLD2 provides read-only support for files created with the JLD package. The save and load functions, provided by FileIO, provide...
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  • 3


    Parallel file processing made easy

    Easy everyday parallelism with a file tree abstraction. Read a directory structure as a Julia data structure, (lazy-)load the files, apply map and reduce operations on the data while not exceeding available memory if possible. Make up a file tree in memory, create some data to go with each file (in parallel), write the tree to disk (in parallel). FileTrees is a set of tools to lazy-load, process and save file trees. Built-in parallelism allows you to max out all threads and processes that Julia...
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  • 4


    Allows Julia to display images in the kitty terminal editor

    A package that allows Julia to display images in the kitty terminal editor.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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    Collection of fundamental physical constants with uncertainties

    PhysicalConstants.jl provides common physical constants. They are defined as instances of the new Constant type, which is a subtype of AbstractQuantity (from Unitful.jl package) and can also be turned into Measurement objects (from Measurements.jl package) at request. Constants are grouped into different submodules so that the user can choose different datasets as needed. Currently, 2014 and 2018 editions of CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants are provided.
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    Load and create NetCDF files in Julia

    NCDatasets allows one to read and create netCDF files. NetCDF data set and attribute list behave like Julia dictionaries and variables like Julia arrays. This package implements the CommonDataModel.jl interface, which means that the datasets can be accessed in the same way as GRIB files opened with GRIBDatasets.jl.
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    A julia front-end for gnuplot

    Gaston is a Julia package for plotting. It provides an interface to gnuplot, a powerful plotting package available on all major platforms. The current stable release is v1.1.0, and it has been tested with Julia LTS (1.6) and stable (1.8), on Linux. Gaston should work on any platform that runs gnuplot.
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    Data structures in Julia to enable power systems analysis

    The PowerSystems.jl package provides a rigorous data model using Julia structures to enable power systems analysis and modeling. In addition to stand-alone system analysis tools and data model building, the PowerSystems.jl package is used as the foundational data container for the PowerSimulations.jl and PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl packages. PowerSystems.jl supports a limited number of data file formats for parsing.
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    Julia DataFrames serialization format

    JDF is a DataFrames serialization format with the following goals, fast save and load times, compressed storage on disk, enabled disk-based data manipulation (not yet achieved), and support for machine learning workloads, e.g. mini-batch, sampling (not yet achieved). JDF stores a DataFrame in a folder with each column stored as a separate file. There is also a metadata.jls file that stores metadata about the original DataFrame. Collectively, the column files, the metadata file, and the folder...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 10


    Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia

    HDF5 stands for Hierarchical Data Format v5 and is closely modeled on file systems. In HDF5, a "group" is analogous to a directory, a "dataset" is like a file. HDF5 also uses "attributes" to associate metadata with a particular group or dataset. HDF5 uses ASCII names for these different objects, and objects can be accessed by Unix-like pathnames, e.g., "/sample1/tempsensor/firsttrial" for a top-level group "sample1", a subgroup "tempsensor", and a dataset "firsttrial". For simple types...
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    Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia

    ... in native OS windows), WGLMakie (interactive WebGL in browsers, IDEs, notebooks), CairoMakie (static 2D vector graphics and images), and RPRMakie (raytracing). Each backend re-exports all of Makie.jl so you don't have to install or load it explicitly.
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    Concurrent computing in Julia based on the Actor Model

    Concurrent computing in Julia based on the Actor Model. Actors make(s) concurrency easy to understand and reason about and integrate(s) well with Julia's multi-threading and distributed computing. It provides an API for writing reactive applications.
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    Convenience meta-package to load essential packages for statistics

    This is a convenience meta-package that allows loading essential packages for statistics in one command.
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    An Electron.jl based figure and table display.

    This package provides a display for figures, plots and tables. When you load the package, it will push a new display onto the Julia display stack and from then on it will display any value that can be rendered as png, svg, vega, vega-lite or plotly in an electron-based window. This is especially handy when one works on the REPL and wants plots or tables to show up in a nice window.
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    Parallel analytical database in pure Julia

    JuliaDB is a package for working with large persistent data set. JuliaDB provides distributed table and array datastructures with convenient functions to load data from CSV. JuliaDB is Julia all the way down. This means queries can be composed with Julia code that may use a vast ecosystem of packages.
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