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UIBM (= Universal Individual-Based Model) is an agent-based simulation/3d-dvisualization of the dynamics within multispecies plant communities of Northwest Europe, parameterized from databases using universal scaling laws.
PyX is a Python package for the creation of EPS, PS, PDF and SVG files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.
Ogles strives to provide an open source data model for neuroscientific data visualization and analytics. Ogles started out as a planning system for frame based stereotactic neurosurgery.
Ogles(1) is discontinued.
Release candidate (RC) is Ogles2b.
Ogles is accompanied by a simple DICOM reader
and NIfTI converting tool (Sdr2).
PIHMgis is a “tightly-coupled” GIS interface to Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM). It is open source, platform independent and extensible. The “tightly-coupled” integrated GIS interface to PIHM has been created in the Open Source QGIS
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OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
is a molecular viewer & model builder for quantum chemistry programs. It has an interface with NWChem, CP2K and PC GAMESS/Firefly quantum programs.
This Eclipse plugin help you to create, edit and verify your GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) and NVidia CG vertex and pixel shaders directly inside the Eclipse IDE. Each shader can be edit in an editor with syntax color with error/warning markers.
Molecular Graphics and Dynamics. Molecular model builder. Part of the Ascalaph Designer project. Windows & Linux.
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NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Knitter produces a 3-dimensional model of a knitting pattern. It supports KnitML, as well as a native language similar to that of traditional knitting patterns.
TeNeM (Telecommunications Network Model) is a PostgreSQL schema with PL/pgSQL functions and triggers intended to make with a fiber optic network management. It is also a GIS JUMP plug-in to edit and visualize the data. PostGIS is used to extend Postgre.
Clothes - sewing CAD for creation of models of clothes.
Based on the new concept of the automated designing of clothes with use of parametrical model. Creates a base design of model of clothes and allows to change it depending on necessity of updating.
This software can simulate heat transfer in solid heterogenous materia using cellular automata. There are two different simulation methods and several test model implemented at the moment. It is also possible to define boundary conditions.
The Model Interaction Environment for Neuroscience provides tools for development, searching, editing, execution, and visualization of biophysical models, abstract mathematical models, and experimental protocols used in neuroscience research.
A Java program to enable users to comprehend the "Contraction and Convergence" model for reduction in carbon emissions as proposed by the Global Commons Institute. Intended primarily as a demo for government delegates at UN conferences
BPMspace is open for extensions and free to use. BPMspace connects business processes with each other, similar to a relational database. Learn how to build/model a CMS and CMDB:
KAGEfx is a framework to load shader programs based on the OpenGL Shading Language contained within an XML file that holds descriptive metadata about the shader and to replace shader modules on the fly with respect to their level-of-detail metadata.
Waters - the Waikato Analysis Tool for Events in Reactive Systems.
This software will enable users to create finite-state machine models in a graphical user interface, to simulate their execution, and to apply model checking algorithms to them.
Feature extraction toolkit based on a wavelet multiscale
vision model. Includes 1D signal processing sample application for line
identification and classification of astronomical spectra.
Flow4J is a java framework, that enables the user to model process flow with a gui interface. The flow may include tasks, decisions or calls to other process flows. The saved flow is in a jar file together with its bytecode.
Java 3D Game SDK based on J2SE 1.4 and Java 3D 1.3.
No native code is used, so this SDK should be portable to all operating systems, which provide the above SDKs.
The SDK provides functions from initializing the window till model animating and renderin
QRay is an interactive 3D modelling system in Java. It's built-in real-time raytracing engine implements the Quadric-CSG representation model and the Seed-Fill optimization method, which empower QRay to provide cool WYSIWYG 3D modelling functionalities.
Xi3D is an X3D renderer and browser for 3D Web content. It contains compliant parsers for VRML'97 types, a java scenegraph, XML bindings using SAX2, a content converter, full runtime and event model, DOM Level 2, vecmath