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j-Algo is an algorithm visualization tool, especially useful for students and lecturers of computer science. It is written in Java and platform independent. j-Algo is developed at Dresden University of Technology.
A tool that parses SQL Select statements and generates a diagram. The diagram shows parts of the underlying SQL directly in the diagram. For example x=30 , GROUP BY (year), HAVING MIN(age) > 18. It is easy to see cartesian joins and/or loops.
Jep is a Java package for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions. It currently supports user defined variables, constants, and functions. The open-source Jep project was halted in favor of commercial development of version 3.0 upwards.
Import width files into MySQL, manipulate and export back to fixed width. Useful for health data analysis or *whatever*. Includes Thompson Reuters Care Discovery 3000 data file definition. Windows, OS X, Linux Requires PHP 5.3.x and MySQL 5.1.x
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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Equalizer is the standard middleware to create parallel OpenGL-based applications. Please visit for current development information.
LaCor is intended for physical data analysis in High Energy Physics field.
It was originally designed to aid in lambda hyperon correlations research in the Selex@FNAL experiment, but it should be useful for similar studies.
This project provides a java implementation of the Captcha project ( see ). A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that: -Most humans can pass. -Current computer programs can't pass.
Gnupylot is a GUI for gnuplot (the widely used multi-OS plotting utility). It's written in Python using PyQt4 libraries. With Gnupylot you can save your plots (even the datasets). It's still in Alpha stage.
Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.
OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
MooGraph is an utility to produce interactive dynamical graphs from statistical data. Deliberately inspired to GapMinder, it represents the evolution of multivariate data in time by means of coloured bubbles of variable sizes on an (x,y) plot.
Quantum Mechanical Toolkit And 3D Viewer for C++. Allows Data Visualisation via Images, Surfaces and Volume plots using OpenGL, as well as rapid development Quantum Mechanical Simulations. Uses the Blitz++, VTK Visualisation and Qt Libraries.
Our goal is to create a library of GPS funtionality that helps application developers in writing high-level GPS applications by hiding device specifics. In a Second step we use this lib to create a GUI Application.
JSynoptic renders information graphically. It can be used as a simple graph plotter, or as a complex run-time monitoring environment. The user sets up shapes (like plots) on graphical pages, and uses data sources (ex: ASCII file) to render information.
TeNeM (Telecommunications Network Model) is a PostgreSQL schema with PL/pgSQL functions and triggers intended to make with a fiber optic network management. It is also a GIS JUMP plug-in to edit and visualize the data. PostGIS is used to extend Postgre.
Frtplot is a program for plotting your numeric data (such as output from simulations, or sensors) in real time. It can read data of a configured (text) format from the standard input, and display all changes immediately.
JOELib/JOELib2 is a cheminformatics library which supports SMARTS substructure search, descriptor calculation, processing/filtering pipes, conversion of file formats, 100% pure Java, and interfaces to external programs (e.g. Ghemical) are available.
equal III is an equation visualization tool. It's possible to graph f(x,y) = 0. So it is able to graph systems of equations and inequations, and do graphic change analysis.
Goal of our project CSX (City Stats X) is to program a generic interface to visualize and present social data about a city. We will present this on the example of the city of Linz in Austria.
StormForce is a free open source program written in Python/PyGame for the Boltek LD-250/StormTracker. StormForce works in FreeBSD, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.
pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. Most of the todays chart libraries have a cost, our project is intended to be free. pChart 2.x is now publicly released. You can get it from :
Plot 2D (plotting X vs Y) scatter plots directly to a compressed image file. Platform independent standalone package. Plot up to 12 series. ASCII options file. Console/Terminal and win32 GUI. Code is ANSI C with C++ encapsulation. Try it on the website.
Graphite is a Python graphing package currently under development which
uses either SPING or PIDDLE (
It produces PS, PDF, SVG output, bitmap, TK or wXpython with optional modules.