CSV Lint plug-in for Notepad++ for syntax highlighting
DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System
Cross-platform C++ libraries for building network applications
NBi is a testing framework (add-on to NUnit)
Distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency
MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and analysis
StarRocks is a next-gen sub-second MPP database for full analytics
Full application for factory, process engineer and Automation..
SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications
Free Inventory Software
Ticket Manager for Company management
hewies user interface - 3D scientific visualisation tool
.NET app for Reporting, Data visualization, Analysis (MS SQL platform)
Query almost anything in julia
ODBC Cloud SQL Explorer. Connection Manager. Query Editor.
iClassicMDM offered by ETS is a Master Data Platform for all.
Just Another ETL Tool
Plot your data in seconds (MsSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, CSV)
a browser based ballistics calculator for arrows and bullets
Excel to SQL
Data/Document Work Flow application
Powerful tool for data analysis and editing
Migrate/Copy your data between Oracle database and 13 major DBs.
Spool you scalar data in CSV format from 14 major Databases.