Showing 61 open source projects for "python 2"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1
    python-bibtexparser v2

    python-bibtexparser v2

    Bibtex parser for Python 3

    Welcome to python-bibtexparser, a parser for .bib files with a long history and wide adaption. Bibtexparser is available in two versions: V1 and V2. For new projects, we recommend using v2 which, in the long run, will provide an overall more robust and faster experience. For now, however, note that v2 is an early beta, and does not contain all features of v1.
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  • 2
    Python JSONPath Next-Generation

    Python JSONPath Next-Generation

    JSONPath implementation for Python that aims to be standard compliant

    A final implementation of JSONPath for Python that aims to be standard compliant, including arithmetic and binary comparison operators, as defined in the original JSONPath proposal. This package merges both jsonpath-rw and jsonpath-rw-ext and provides several AST API enhancements, such as the ability to update or remove nodes in the tree. This library provides a robust and significantly extended implementation of JSONPath for Python. It is tested with CPython 3.7 and higher. This library...
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  • 3
    JS Beautifier

    JS Beautifier

    Beautifier for javascript

    ...-beautify script. As with the Python script, the beautified result is sent to stdout unless otherwise configured. You can also use js-beautify as a node library (install locally, the npm default). The beautifier can be added on your page as web library. JS Beautifier is hosted on two CDN services: cdnjs and rawgit. You can beautify javascript using JS Beautifier in your web browser, or on the command-line using node.js or python.
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    Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

    pywebview is a lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own native GUI window. It gives you power of web technologies in your desktop application, hiding the fact that GUI is browser based. You can use pywebview either with a lightweight web framework like Flask or Bottle or on its own with a two way bridge between Python and DOM. pywebview uses native GUI for creating a web component window: WinForms on Windows, Cocoa on macOS...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape

    Due to an incompatible change of the Inkscape extension API, this extension has to split into two versions. For Inkscape versions lower than 1.0, users should use the files in the 0.9.x folder, the other users should use files in the 1.0.x folder.
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    An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python

    jsonschema is an implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python. Full support for Draft 2020-12, Draft 2019-09, Draft 7, Draft 6, Draft 4 and Draft 3. Lazy validation that can iteratively report all validation errors. Programmatic querying of which properties or items failed validation.
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    Converting Can (Controller Area Network) Database Formats

    Canmatrix is a Python package to read and write several CAN (Controller Area Network) database formats. Canmatrix implements a "Python Can Matrix Object" which describes the can-communication and the needed objects (Board units, Frames, Signals, Values, ...) Canmatrix also includes two Tools (can convert and can compare) for converting and comparing CAN databases.
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    Thin wrapper for "pandoc" (MIT)

    Pypandoc provides a thin wrapper for pandoc, a universal document converter. Pypandoc uses pandoc, so it needs an available installation of pandoc. Pypandoc provides 2 packages, "pypandoc" and "pypandoc_binary", with the second one including pandoc out of the box. The 2 packages are identical, with the only difference being that one includes pandoc, while the other don't. If pandoc is already installed (i.e. pandoc is in the PATH), pypandoc uses the version with the higher version number...
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  • 9


    CLI tool and python library

    CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file types to JSON or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts. jc JSONifies the output of many CLI tools and file types for easier parsing in scripts. This allows further command-line processing of output with tools like jq or jello by piping commands. The JC parsers can also be used as python modules. In this case, the output will be a python dictionary...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

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  • 10
    Extract TOTP/HOTP secrets

    Extract TOTP/HOTP secrets

    Extract one time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes

    The Python script extracts one-time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes exported by two-factor authentication (2FA) apps such as "Google Authenticator".
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  • 11


    A Python utility / library to sort imports

    isort is a Python utility/library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type. It provides a command-line utility, Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports. It requires Python 3.6+ to run but supports formatting Python 2 code too. Several plugins have been written that enable to use isort from within a variety of text-editors. You can find a full list of them on the isort wiki. Additionally, I will enthusiastically...
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    Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML docs

    Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure Python very concisely, which eliminates the need to learn another template language, and lets you take advantage of the more powerful features of Python. Dominate can also use keyword arguments to append attributes onto your tags. Most of the attributes are a direct copy from the HTML spec with a few variations. Through the use of the += operator...
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    Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask

    Connexion is a framework on top of Flask that automagically handles HTTP requests defined using OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger), supporting both v2.0 and v3.0 of the specification. Connexion allows you to write these specifications, then maps the endpoints to your Python functions. This is what makes it unique from other tools that generate the specification based on your Python code. You are free to describe your REST API with as much detail as you want and then Connexion guarantees...
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  • 14


    Convert between CBOR, JSON, MessagePack, TOML, and YAML

    Convert between CBOR, JSON, MessagePack, TOML, and YAML. When installed, provides the command-line command remarshal as well as the short commands {cbor,json,msgpack,toml,yaml}2{cbor,json,msgpack,toml,yaml}. You can perform format conversion, reformatting, and error detection using these commands. CBOR, MessagePack, and YAML with binary fields cannot be converted to JSON or TOML. Binary fields are converted between CBOR, MessagePack, and YAML.
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    The safest & truly intuitive templates for PHP

    ... on PHP, whereas Twig is based on Python. A designer in Latte doesn't have to constantly switch between two different conventions. Stay in touch. The plugin for Tracy informs you on each page which templates and which variables are being rendered. Latte has native support in NetBeans and an excellent plugin for PhpStorm that suggests tags, filters and PHP code. Latte is a next generation templating system – it understands HTML.
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    A Template Engine for Modern C++

    Inja is a template engine for modern C++, loosely inspired by jinja for python. It has an easy and yet powerful template syntax with all variables, loops, conditions, includes, callbacks, and comments you need, nested and combined as you like. Inja uses the wonderful json library by nlohmann for data input. Most importantly, inja needs only two header files, which is (nearly) as trivial as integration in C++ can get. Of course, everything is tested on all relevant compilers. Inja is a headers...
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    Fast Python reader and editor for ASAM MDF / MF4 (Measurement Format)

    *asammdf* is a fast Python parser and editor for ASAM (Associtation for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems) MDF / MF4 (Measurement Data Format) files. It supports MDF versions 2 (.dat), 3 (.mdf) and 4 (.mf4). *asammdf* works on Python 2.7, and Python >= 3.4
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    Bots-ediint open source edi translator

    Bots-ediint open source edi translator

    open source edi translator

    Bots-ediint is a file translator for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). Translate files and databases data format to another one: edifact, x12, tradacoms, xml, json, raw, database (postgres, sqlite, mysql, oracle, ...) and more. Bots-ediint is based on Bots Support Python 2 and Python 3 AS2 communications are carried out with my external software that could work in standalone and/or in a Bots channel to send and receive AS2 messages (SYNC and ASYNC...
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    Transform ML models into a native code

    m2cgen (Model 2 Code Generator) - is a lightweight library that provides an easy way to transpile trained statistical models into a native code (Python, C, Java, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, PowerShell, R, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust, Elixir). Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust) with zero dependencies. Some models force input data to be particular type during prediction phase...
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    A minor Project in Python which uses the RandomUser API .

    A Small Program in Python That Makes Use of RandomUser API To Generate Random Person Data.
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    A Minor Project made in Python using OMDb API and Tkinter for Frontend

    A Minor Project made in Python using Tkinter for frontend which fetches Data about Movies/TV-Series from an Online Database and uses the OMDB REST API and pyImdb to show Information about movies. Github :
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    Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON

    Rdbtools is a parser for Redis' dump.rdb files. The parser generates events similar to an XML sax parser and is very efficient memory-wise. Rdbtools is written in Python, though there are similar projects in other languages. Every run of RDB Tool requires to specify a command to indicate what should be done with the parsed RDB data. Valid commands are JSON, diff, justkeys, justkeyvals and protocol. The JSON command output is UTF-8 encoded JSON. By default, the callback try to parse RDB data...
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    Python module for reading/writing JSON data using Rust's serde-json

    A hyper-fast, safe Python module to read and write JSON data. Works as a drop-in replacement for Python's built-in json module. This is alpha software and there will be bugs, so maybe don't deploy to production just yet.
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    Meteorological Product Exchanger

    Meteorological Product Exchanger

    Sundew:a tcp/ip WMO switch, Sarracenia: next gen transfer engine.

    We have moved to everything on sourceforge is obsolete. metpx is the Meteorological Product Exchanger. Intended for use in industrial/government weather forecast operations, for exchange of meteorological bulletins over TCP/IP.
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    A powerful Spider(Web Crawler) system in Python

    pyspider is a powerful Spider(Web Crawler) system in Python. Components are connected by message queue. Every component, including message queue, is running in their own process/thread, and replaceable. That means, when process is slow, you can have many instances of processor and make full use of multiple CPUs, or deploy to multiple machines. This architecture makes pyspider really fast. benchmarking. Since pyspider has various components, you can just run pyspider to start a standalone...
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