Open-Source Multiphysics FEA (FEM) Package
ERP Server
Eclipse 4diac the open source solution for industrial automation
Schematic circuit editor for VLSI and Mixed mode circuit simulation.
Graphical SRCP locking table client
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
Advanced TECO dialect and interactive screen editor based on Scintilla
QtCreator plugin for some command line tools over a Qt (.pro) project.
Speech recognition software for English & Polish languages
C/C++ system probe, test and automation toolkit
3D video music media player lyrics subtitles etc...
Open Source for Internet of Things
PyUnit and PyDev extensions for arbitrary Executables
Asterix is command line parser and Wireshark plugin for ASTERIX
Linux Daemon für Vito Kommunikation
A Kingpin Mod - Blood Money 616
A library designed to abstract the C++ default libraries functions
msf post-exploitation auxiliary module