Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat
Tiny alternative Discord client with a smaller footprint and support
Take control of your Discord experience with GoofCord
Lightweight Open Source webmail written in PHP and JavaScript
The extensible chat client
Tools that allow your application components to communicate
git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash
Decentralized, censorship resistant social media on IPFS
Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Development toolkit for Web Services and XML data bindings for C & C++
Global Software Defined Radio at Your Fingertips
To-do manager, notepad, RSS reader...
Adds Discord Functionality to Lands.
ADCH++ is a hub software for the ADC network.
Tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations
A lightweight Discord client mod focused on simplicity and performance
Google Apps Script to send third party recruiter email to spam
ACARS decoder for GNURadio, for RTL-SDR, PlutoSDR or UHD receivers.