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slab3d is a real-time virtual acoustic environment.
slab3d is a real-time virtual acoustic environment rendering system. It includes two rendering applications, libraries for spatial auditory display and audio signal processing development, and a set of tools for HRTF analysis and visualization.
This project is the implementation of The Virtual Collaborative Environment (VCE) which supports clinical applications of 3Dmodeling in medicine. The system is based on three layer client-server architecture.
The Open Descent Foundation (ODF) is a community for developers, who want to help to create open source programs, tools, etc. for the famous games Descent1, -2 or -3. Everyone can join the ODF if he accepts the idea of writing open source programs.
A cross-platform Duke3D (Duke Nukem 3D) port which provides many new features for mod authors, including an enhanced scripting system and OpenGL renderer. Go to http://www.eduke32.com for downloads and http://bit.ly/dn_3d to get the game!
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Jabber + VTK = Jaivis. Jaivis is built on top of VTK (Visualization Toolkit). Jaivis uses Jabber to connect multiple VTK sessions into a multi-user interactive visualization.
Our project targets to build real-time rendering ray tracer with advanced geometry supportting such NURBS or other spline surfaces. This project will be open and last for a long time, for I am not focusing on Graphics now.
Smile3D is a Java based chat uses 3D avatars. Avatar changes expression and mood according to user choices; It can also interacts with all the objects present into the same room where currently the avatar stays.. Java3D framework is used.
You can 'wear' any clothes on the internet 'virtually' on your body (image). And this application stores the URL where you can buy the clothes, you can share your information like your good looking shot or your ratingson the clothe over internet.
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NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
Freedom is a massively multiplayer role playing game allowing a dynamic world where players can work together to change the world using a variety of skills, including combat, magic, construction and crafting. Dynamic 3D modelling ensures a vibrant game.
Driver support for 3D Controller Hardware. We hope to support SDL Input, DirectInput, and other major controller API's including game consoles and embedded systems.
Slut is a programming framework for generative, synthetic, interactive, network-enabled graphics. THIS IS AN OLD PROJECT. But since you are interested in it you should check out the SceneExpression project: http://labs.nortd.com/sx/
Sea3D is a 3D OpenGL implementation of the widely popular board game Settlers of Catan, including Seafarers. It has full textures, lighting, 3D rotation, panning, zooming, hotseat and network play, and has built-in game finding and ELO ladder ranking.
Virtualy Real Worlds, or VRW, will be an online 3D community for people to interact, chat, and construct buildings or other things within a universe of vast and interesting worlds owned by users like you. They design custom objects and use them in their
POD is a project designed to produce working distributed model code, and applying that to 3d spaces. At first, this will work with simple cases, working upward to a fully working 3d environment, with interaction.
VASE Plugin Interface Whiteboard. This plugin (vpiWhiteboard.dll) renders a whiteboard in the VASE 3D environment. Avatars on a LAN can interact with the whiteboard.
VASE Plugin Interface Whiteboard. This plugin (.dll) renders a whiteboard in the VASE 3D environment. Avatars on a LAN can interact with the whiteboard.
The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse
ThinksCollabs is a research collaborative project. It aims at allowing researchers from different areas to work together. It consists of different projects concerning collaborative and interactive 3Dmodeling, bird flight simulation and city modeling.
Imagine, that browsing 3D worlds would be as easy as browsing web pages. Or that you could take character modeled and animated by you into your favorite 3D game, invite your friend to your personal 3D reality. Or that... ENOUGH!! Time to make it real!