Decompile an Android APK
Bluetooth App Sender APK Share
Google I / O 2019 conference app
PinoyChat: The International Chatroom App for Desktop
Self-hosted chat app for small teams
Browse LSG everywhere and anywhere!
Android Telnet SDK bases on Putty Telnet library
Android SNMP SDK for SNMP agent/manager
Edição e envio de e-mails e SMS em massa.
UIU Student Assistant is a android app to help students of UIU
Mobile P2P App - Use a P2P App on your Smartphone
A toolkit for some Android sms/call Apps, base64 encoder, vcf parser a
Android application for sending sms with a little help of QR codes.
It is an facebook App for Linux it look like facebook on an Iphone or
The ultimate support app for seniors and their family & friends
The Irdroid app / module is a infrared remote control for Android
Automatically tuned loop antenna for the shortwave bands
SDK to embed Multiparty, Live Video Communications in Mobile Apps