A cli tool to help discover deprecated apiVersions in Kubernetes
Cherrybomb is a CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behaviour
Bee is a tool for helping develop with beego app framework
Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
JSON Aggregation CLI
A collection of various tools
Source code for Xinorbis and associated tools
Command line tool for counting source code lines
A shell script to convert any file or command output into a html table
Check and Update Products on OPSI Server
Auto Update munki products
A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language
Framework entry point bringing together all the sub-modules of Aurelia
Docksal is a tool for defining and managing web development
mgrep - A Multiline grep Implementation
An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime
Automatically generate Go test boilerplate from your source code
A command line tool to download Android applications
M6811 Code-Seeking Disassembler
Command line double-entry accounting program
A command line tool to identify unused code
Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
Command-line sql JDBC tool