Repository for the Microsoft C/C++ extension for VS Code
Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript
Ruby programming language
A tool for writing better scripts
Full stack AI software engineer
A code generator for connecting C/C++ with other programming languages
Translates state machine into a target programming language.
GUI designer for wxWidgets
A generator of DTO, Model, and DAO classes to access relational DB
A Forth compiler with a little difference
The regex-centric, fast lexical analyzer generator for C++
ImpLib SDK produces custom Import libraries for Windows DLL
viXen is a GUI Designer for XBLite/XBasic programmers.
ODABA is an terminology-oriented database management system and develo
Create C structures from USB HID Report Descriptors
Development framework including code generator and UML ex/import
A New Programming Language for FPGA Projects
Programming tools for emulator of eight bit computer ORAO
A lexical analyzer generator that makes the class source code.
The kit can be used as code generator for any programming language.
Open-source code generator for Simulink/Stateflow
Compose Software Without Writing Any Programing Code