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Wise is a web application designed to call a generic web-service given the wsdl only. Wise parses the wsdl and generates a client with web interface to call the service and read the result. It's a test tool useful for both developers and QA testers.
Deer - Template Engine is template engine for PHP web pages. Needs PHP5 for work. The goal of project is to be most used template engine as php extension. Has support for variables, conditions, dynamic blocks, etc. It`s fully commented for PHPDocumentor.
Omorphia is a graphic, multimedia and gaming library containing Delphi and Freepascal components to simplify multimedia based apllication development on W9xNT and Unix platforms including support for various graphic and sound interfaces and libraries.
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Gul 2.0 is a powerfull and free Xul parser/interpreter library for Phpgtk 2 written in php. Gul supports PHP and basic CSS features into Xul. Gulpad example provides a split screen where the Xul code can be typed and immediately previewed.
a framework library with a template method interface and inheritable classes for an executable process design which produces an executable which is both a GUI and a console application. It provides multi-threading for work items of the provider process .
JLoom is a JSP like template language for text generation - e.g. source code, HTML, XML. JLoom templates are modular encapsulated. Parameters can be any Java type, even Generics or Varargs. There is a plugin for Eclipse and a command line tool.
PTM is a Perl/HTML hybrid, similar to PHP in tag syntax. It allows for the ease of PHP-style inline code in your dynamic HTML documents while supplying the power of Perl that many find to be sorely lacking in PHP.
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TDO - Typed Data Object is a .NET source code generator (C#/VB) for data layers based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000/MSDE/2005/Express. TDO allows .NET Framework 2.0 developers, to have the source code automatically generated for MS SQL Server databases.
febrl-gen is a Java-based frontend to Febrl, an open-source data linkage system written in Python. Users can configure the parameters of a linkage project through the frontend, and febrl-gen will generate a Febrl-ready configuration file.
3RAD is a MDSD tool for generating 3-tier applications out of a custom data model specified in EMF Ecore. For building the generator openArchitectureWare is used. The produced target application will consist of a Swing front end and a EJB 3.0 server app.
Converts bitmap file to c/c++ files (usefull for embedded systems with GUI). The color encoding is fully configurable (for example 16bit 5/6/5) and a "preview" bmp file is generated to show how much the picture is altered by the information reduction
A translator that converts Qt Designer UI files into SWT java classes. Use the power of Qt Designer to generate your user interface and then automatically generate SWT java source code.
IWE is a framework 2.0 web application that provides automatic web data entry for tables in a Microsoft SQL Server database. Just config the database connection string in the web.config file of the web site and that’s all, start editing your tables.
Web Fast Forms is a web application development framework for Java developers. The framework is targeting developers that are building administrative web applications. The product is well suited for applications that are form based and that use a RDBMS.
Konceive is a Widget to build Widgets for Konfabulator. With a drag and drop style design environment, this widget aides developers in the graphical layout part of widget creation.
Have you heard about Haml project?? It is template system for Ruby. Writed by Hampton Catlin, Jeff Hardy and Nathan Weizenbaum. I rewrite it for PHP with small chages. Check it!
XOffice is a UI toolkit for developing cross-platform applications with the Microsoft Office style. XOffice provides an implementation of key MS Office UI components, including the new Ribbon component introduced in Office 2007.
Jump Start UI is a development tool that jumpstarts your UI development by generating initial display and binding code based on the JavaBean. Genertes code for HTML, SWT, and other languages/libraries.
LayManSys - Layout Management System - is a PHP framework, that helps you providing a consistent look&feel of your web pages. It stores the meta information about the documents in RDF files and uses them for generating the HTML frame (<head> and footer).
The home site is www.ppassistant.com Help Forum www.ppassistant.com/forum This is meant to be the ultimate framework. Not only is it an open source PHP/MySql framework, but it's also a development toolkit. It also has programs and tools.
A dashboard to easily model and view in real-time the hardware and software running throughout your environment in a pictorial manner from a single location all using Microsoft Windows and .Net technology. Phew.