Simple Firebase authentication for all Next.js rendering strategies
Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript
Amazon CodeGuru Profiler Python Agent
Aaws-record gem, an abstraction for Amazon DynamoDB
A Gremlin client for Amazon Neptune that includes AWS Signature
The AWS X-Ray daemon listens for traffic on UDP port 2000
Helps Java developers to easily consume and process log files from AWS
Amazon Neptune JDBC Driver by Amazon Web Services
jsii allows code in any language to naturally interact with JavaScript
Gracefully handle EC2 instance shutdown within Kubernetes
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for JS
Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
Active development of the Azure SDK for Python
Active development of the Azure SDK for .NET
Terraform module which creates VPC resources on AWS
Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources
A Kubernetes controller for Elastic Load Balancers
The stylish Node.js middleware engine for AWS Lambda
Run Node.js web applications and APIs using existing frameworks
Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for Terraform
Scalable PaaS (automated Docker+nginx), aka Heroku on Steroids
Serverless Framework for front-end/full-stack developers
Next generation cloud
Single-package Kubernetes for developers, IoT and edge
Service networking solution to connect applications across any cloud