Microsoft Azure PowerShell for developers
An open source security tool to perform AWS security assessment
External configuration (server and client) for Spring Cloud
Firebase Admin Go SDK
Firebase Admin Node.js SDK
Unofficial Firebase Admin SDK for PHP
Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and other
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation
An easy-to-use API for devices that use Tuya's cloud services
Connect your local process and your cloud environment
Connect, secure, control, and observe services
A SPARQL client for Amazon Neptune that includes AWS Signature
Lightweight, powerful flow control component
The open source, cloud-native SQL database
Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
Cloud Native Function-as-a-Service Platform (CNCF Sandbox Project)
CloudEvents Specification
Google Cloud Client Library for Java
Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
Hyperconverged cloud-edge native database
AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps
Amazon EKS Helm chart repository
Run Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure
Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
A cloud-native Pipeline resource