Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
A PyTorch-based framework for Quantum Classical Simulation
Deep learning framework
Training and serving large-scale neural networks
An authorization library that supports access control models
Framework that is dedicated to making neural data processing
Distributed tracing without code changes
Dependabot's core logic for creating update PR's
A software construction tool
UFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit
Computation and Visualization environment
A port of WFOPT to the several scripting languages
Deductive Database with Datalog, SQL, RA, TRC, DRC
A fast, ergonomic and portable tensor library in Nim
F# for Jupyter Notebooks
Open Source Java platform for Optimization, DoE, and Learning.
Aglyph is a Dependency Injection framework for Python.
Update your website with a random quotation.
Image Processing with Cellular Neural Networks in Python
The Desktop Webcam Widget
Multiscale Neuroscience and Systems Biology Simulator