5 programs for "glpk for windows" with 1 filter applied:

  • #1 Accounting Software For Small Business Icon
    #1 Accounting Software For Small Business

    Easily pay your team and access powerful tools, employee benefits, and supportive experts with the #1 online payroll service provider.

    Manage payroll and access HR and employee services in one place. Pay your team automatically once your payroll setup is complete. We'll calculate, file, and pay your payroll taxes automatically. Keep cash longer with free same-day direct deposit. Manage benefits and employee services from your payroll account. Keep cash longer with direct deposit. You’ll also have the flexibility to pay your team when you want with same-day direct deposit. Your time tracking data automatically flows into your account. You can approve timesheets, pay your team, and create invoices right from your phone. Free up valuable time and set your payroll to run automatically. If you turn on Auto Payroll, we’ll also send notifications to help you manage your account.
  • The leading LMS solution for mission critical learning needs Icon
    The leading LMS solution for mission critical learning needs

    it takes the modern learning environment to workforce enablement and beyond.

    Streamline and integrate your complex learning, compliance, content monetization, and external training capabilities while keeping your people safe and delivering profits with Seertech’s LMS solution.
  • 1
    A java decision supporting application for the urban planning domain. It is designed as a desktop frontend to a Mixed Integer Programming engine. Actually it uses the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK).
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  • 2


    Mini Version meiner Bachelorarbeit

    Diese Mini-Code-Version meiner Bachelorarbeit dient mit ca. 370 Code-Zeilen als Beispiel des Farmer-Worker-Modells. Der C++ Code zeigt die Nutzung von Apache Thrift (zur Verteilung) und glpk (zum Lösen). Der Code besteht im Kern aus folgenden Dateien: - MiniBachelor.thrift: ca. 20 Zeilen IDL beschreibt den Teil, der für Farmer und Worker wichtig ist - Farmer.cpp, Worker.cpp: ca. 200 bzw. 120 Zeilen enthalten die Implementierung. - farmer.conf: praktisch, um nicht alle...
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  • 3


    Bachelor of Science (Informatik)

    The toolkit glpk supports methods for mixed integer linear programming (MILP). These methods solve Capital Budgeting Problems (CBP). Unfortunately, glpk does not support any multithreading and there is no feature to distribute problems via network connections. Today, this is a pitiable sight, because modern computer systems are coupled by networks and support multi threading. We create a distributed system with Apache thrift and the C-API of glpk. Now, it is possible to use as many cores...
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  • 4
    GLPKMEX - a Matlab MEX interface for the GLPK library Note: GLPKMEX is not currently compatible with glpk-4.49, or later. please use with glpk 4.40 - 4.48.
    Downloads: 13 This Week
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  • #1 Accounting Software For Small Business Icon
    #1 Accounting Software For Small Business

    Save time, track money, and get important insights

    QuickBooks Online makes accounting easy. Make tracking receipts, income, bank transactions, and more feel simple with the #1 small business accounting software. Snap photos of your receipts and link them to expenses right from your phone. Our agents are ready and available to answer all your QuickBooks questions. Use the apps you know and love to keep your business running smoothly. QuickBooks Online works on your PC, Mac, tablets, and phones.
  • 5
    PuLP: An LP modeller in Python PuLP is an LP modeller written in python. PuLP can generate MPS or LP files and call GLPK, COIN CLP/CBC, CPLEX and XPRESS to solve linear problems.
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