Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Implementation of Make-A-Video, new SOTA text to video generator
Admin panel builder / CRUD generator for Laravel
Deep learning optimization library: makes distributed training easy
Sceneform Maintained is an ARCore Android SDK with Google Filament
Framework that is dedicated to making neural data processing
A 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave
Open source solution for the Property & Facility Management
Environment for configuring customized applications Asset Management
Game engine supporting many 3D/2D formats and graphic effects
Interactive landscape rendering based on a virtual globe.
Simple and flexible programming language for applications development
realistic driving simulation + functions for 2D/3D graphics
Java3d scenegraph editor
3D computer vision library in Julia
Application for analysis of AFM data
Open-source code generator for Simulink/Stateflow
Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models
two experimental AI languages + zubr
Creates 3D models from photographs