An article sharing platform where you can personalize
A light and extensible chart library for Android
Complete Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) application
AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses
The library provides the resources to implement graceful shutdown
Easy-to-use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design
Search and select country or international phone code
Convert your Laravel messages and consume them in the front-end
Store your translations in the database or other sources
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
Fearless refactoring to find certain errors
Speed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation
Use your Laravel routes in JavaScript
Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
PHP dev tools in your browser - server-side component
A simple application deployment framework built on Kubernetes
A declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API for writing dynamic console app
Kalendar is a powerful and customizable calendar library for Android
Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content
JVM - Java, Kotlin, Scala image processing library
A modern framework for full stack web apps in Kotlin
Pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
Native Android app for Habitica
UI Components Library for React Native