Search Results for "pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar" - Page 4

907 programs for "pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar" with 1 filter applied:

  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 1


    A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web and Desktop

    Doodle helps you create beautiful, modern apps entirely in Kotlin. Its render model is intuitive yet powerful, making it easy to achieve complex UIs with pixel-level precision and layouts. This simplicity and power apply to everything from user input to drag and drop. Doodle lets you build and animate anything. Start creating your app for the Web and Desktop; just define your View hierarchy and business logic, and go.
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  • 2


    Transpiler of Python to many other languages

    ... via unit tests before you transpile. Swift and Kotlin dominate the mobile app development workflow. However, there is no one solution that works well for lower level libraries where there is desire to share code between platforms. Kotlin Mobile Multiplatform (KMM) is a player in this place, but it hasn't really caught on. py2many provides an alternative.
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    Important security headers for koa

    koa-helmet is a wrapper for helmet to work with koa. It provides important security headers to make your app more secure by default.
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  • 4
    Spring Cloud Kubernetes

    Spring Cloud Kubernetes

    Kubernetes integration with Spring Cloud Discovery Client

    Spring Cloud Kubernetes provides implementations of well known Spring Cloud interfaces allowing developers to build and run Spring Cloud applications on Kubernetes. While this project may be useful to you when building a cloud native application, it is also not a requirement in order to deploy a Spring Boot app on Kubernetes. If you are just getting started in your journey to running your Spring Boot app on Kubernetes you can accomplish a lot with nothing more than a basic Spring Boot app...
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 5
    React Native Camera Kit

    React Native Camera Kit

    A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library

    A high-performance, easy-to-use, rock-solid, camera library for React Native apps. A temporary file is created. You must move this file to a permanent location (e.g. the app's 'Documents' folder) if you need it beyond the current session of the app as it may be deleted when the user leaves the app. You can move files by using a file systems library such as react-native-fs or expo-filesystem. (On Android we currently have an unsupported output path prop but it's subject to change at any time).
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  • 6


    Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux

    Swinject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Dependency injection (DI) is a software design pattern that implements Inversion of Control (IoC) for resolving dependencies. In the pattern, Swinject helps your app split into loosely-coupled components, which can be developed, tested, and maintained more easily. Swinject is powered by the Swift generic type system and first-class functions to define the dependencies of your app simply and fluently. Services must be registered...
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  • 7
    Electron Egg

    Electron Egg

    Cross platform, enterprise desktop software development frameworks

    A framework for building modern Electron applications using Egg.js, enabling structured and scalable backend logic in desktop apps.
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    Nylo Support

    Nylo Support

    Support library for the Nylo framework

    Nylo is a powerful framework for developing mobile apps in Flutter. Out of the box, it comes with a router, secure storage, networking, and more.
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    Laravel Welcome Notification

    Laravel Welcome Notification

    Send a welcome notification to new users

    Send a welcome notification to new users. Using this package you can send a Welcome Notification to a new user of your app. The notification contains a secure link to a screen where the user can set an initial password.
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 10
    Event sourcing for Artisans

    Event sourcing for Artisans

    The easiest way to get started with event sourcing in Laravel

    This package aims to be the entry point to get started with event sourcing in Laravel. It can help you set up aggregates, projectors, and reactors.
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  • 11
    Laravel Model Settings

    Laravel Model Settings

    Model Settings for your Laravel app

    The package requires PHP 8.1+ and follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and PSR-12 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP.
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  • 12


    High performance HTTP server based on Swoole

    High-performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications.
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    Complete Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) application

    NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note-taking application built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side and Modern Android development tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers.
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  • 14


    AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses

    .. collects all dependency details including licenses at compile time, and offers simple APIs to visualize these in the app. No runtime overhead. Strong caching. Any gradle dependency is supported.
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  • 15
    Swift Cross UI

    Swift Cross UI

    A cross-platform declarative UI framework, inspired by SwiftUI

    SwiftCrossUI implements a simple API similar but not identical to SwiftUI, allowing you to use the basic concepts of SwiftUI to create a cross-platform desktop app. SwiftCrossUI is designed to be flexible and can work with different backends, but has a focus on using GTK+ through SwiftGTK. Create cross-platform desktop apps for macOS, Linux and Windows. Work has been started to support multiple different backends. Switching backends only requires changing a single line of code! Currently...
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  • 16


    The library provides the resources to implement graceful shutdown

    The library provides the resources to implement a graceful shutdown with Kubernetes. When running microservices in Kubernetes. We need to handle the termination signals emitted by Kubernetes. The simple app shown above, adds a graceful shutdown period of 5 seconds after which the hook, which takes care of closing the server with the help of our shutdown functionality, gets triggered. Upon sending a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal, the user can see that a grace period of 5 seconds after which a waiting...
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  • 17
    Material Tailwind

    Material Tailwind

    Easy-to-use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design

    Material Tailwind is an open-source library that uses the power of Tailwind CSS and React to help you build unique web projects faster and easier. The stunning design inspired by Material Design is a bonus. Enhance your workflow with seamless integrations for your favorite tools using Material Tailwind.
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  • 18
    Laravel JS Localization

    Laravel JS Localization

    Convert your Laravel messages and consume them in the front-end

    This package convert all your localization messages from your Laravel app to JavaScript with a small library to interact with those messages following a very similar syntax you are familiar with.
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  • 19
    Laravel Translation Loader

    Laravel Translation Loader

    Store your translations in the database or other sources

    In a vanilla Laravel or Lumen installation you can use language files to localize your app. This package will enable the translations to be stored in the database. You can still use all the features of the __ helper function you know and love. You can even mix using language files and the database. If a translation is present in both a file and the database, the database version will be returned.
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  • 20
    Laravel Cascade Soft Deletes

    Laravel Cascade Soft Deletes

    Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes

    In scenarios when you delete a parent record - say for example a blog post - you may want to also delete any comments associated with it as a form of self-maintenance of your data. Normally, you would use your database's foreign key constraints, adding an ON DELETE CASCADE rule to the foreign key constraint in your comments table. It may be useful to be able to restore a parent record after it was deleted. In those instances, you may reach for Laravel's soft deleting functionality. In doing...
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  • 21
    Laravel Response Cache

    Laravel Response Cache

    Speed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response

    This Laravel package can cache an entire response. By default, it will cache all successful get-requests that return text-based content (such as HTML and json) for a week. This could potentially speed up the response quite considerably. So the first time a request comes in the package will save the response before sending it to the users. When the same request comes in again we're not going through the entire application but just respond with the saved response.
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  • 22
    Laravel multi-tenant

    Laravel multi-tenant

    Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation

    The unobtrusive Laravel package makes your app multi-tenant. Serving multiple websites, each with one or more hostnames from the same codebase. But with a clear separation of assets, database, and the ability to override logic per tenant. Suitable for marketing companies that like to re-use functionality for different clients or start-ups building the next software as a service.
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  • 23


    Use your Laravel routes in JavaScript

    Ziggy provides a JavaScript route() function that works like Laravel's, making it a breeze to use your named Laravel routes in JavaScript. Ziggy supports Laravel's route-model binding, and can even recognize custom route key names. If you pass route() a JavaScript object as a route parameter, Ziggy will use the registered route-model binding keys for that route to find the correct parameter value inside the object. If no route-model binding keys are explicitly registered for a parameter,...
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  • 24


    Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application

    A collection of Model classes that allows you to get data directly from a WordPress database. Corcel is a collection of PHP classes built on top of Eloquent ORM (from Laravel framework), that provides a fluent interface to connect and get data directly from a WordPress database. You can use WordPress as the backend (administration panel) or CMS, for inserting posts, custom types, etc, and any other PHP app in the other side querying those data (as a Model layer). It's easier to use Corcel...
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  • 25


    A simple application deployment framework built on Kubernetes

    Acorn is an app platform that makes it easy to build, share, and run containerized applications. Acorn provides a comprehensive way to describe your application and dependencies in a single file called an Acornfile. The Acornfile is built and packaged up into a single artifact that contains everything needed to deploy your application and can be shared with a link that will allow it's recipients to have a one-click deployment into a sandbox environment. Acorn Sandboxes are free compute...
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