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There were some packages within the incrTcl project. As they grow these parts have been moved to an own project: itclng. The parts are: 1) a reimplementation of incr Tcl called itclng (not itcl-ng!) 2) a reimplementation of IWidgets called itclWidgets
BeyondCVS is an Eclipe plug-in that enables using Beyond Compare (externally) for comparing files and folders. It also allows comparing a single file to a previous revision in CVS/SVN or Local History. There is also support for opening Putty and WinSCP.
Testeum is a Software Testing & User Test platform
Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
Provides support for editing RELAX NG documents in the Eclipse IDE. Integrates with standard WST XML editor to provide content completion and validation of edited XML file based on it's RELAX NG schema.
This is a custom network stack with a process-per-protocol, or more accurately, thread-per-protocol design, supporting a crude distributed database intended as demonstration or exercise for students studying the course of computer networking.
openWebNG is a php5.x based API to develop Weblications fast and efficient with just a few lines of php-Code. It contains of nearly 50 Classes for all purposes of development and uses the Mootools to provide clean and simple AJAX- and Clientside-Scripts
phpESS-ng (The php Email Survey System Next Generation) is a E-Mail survey tool written in php. It is a fork of the phpEES (The php Email Evaluation System) written by Johannes Kern (, Daniel Flaschka and Michael Prell.
oNVDL provides a Java based implementation of the Namespace-based Validation and Dispatching Language (NVDL) on top of Jing supporting XML Schema, Relax NG and Schematron and an XSLT 2.0 implementation of the dispatching part of NVDL.
ReXeD is an Eclipse plug-in for editing XML. Planned features include syntax highliting, code hints/completition accordind to schema (DTD, Relax NG, SchemaTron), XML tree editor and matching XML to XMLSchema. More functions will be added soon.
A Python re-write and extension of the (apparently abandoned) Hackbot script. It is designed to assist in the footprinting and enumeration phases of penetration testing.
Relaxed is an HTML validation app. as well as a XHTML 1.0 / HTML 4.01 and WCAG 1.0 schema definition written in Relax NG with embedded Schematron. Those expressive languages allow automated validation of many additional restrictions inexpressible by DTD.
A CLI playlist generator to create MP3 playlists of a given length. No repeats per playlist and definable history length to prevent repeats in subsequent playlist generations.
xchecker is both a test framework for XML and XSLT, and a wrapper for an XML Schema processor that allows XML Schema documents to be augmented with xchecker. xchecker checks can be any combination of XML Schema, Relax NG, XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0 and XQuery.
Ng is a 100% Java Roguelike game engine that supports single and massive multiplayer games. SimpleGame is a prototype game that demonstrates most features of the engine and is included in all releases of Ng.
YaCS - A window based chatserver with the ability to log or kick users. You can connect to the server by using PuTTY or Microsoft Telnet, because the chat supports VT100 and the telnet protocol.
This perl script, Peril, uses the Perl module File::Tail to tail the syslog file (or any other file for that matter) and inserts the lines into a MySQL database using DBI. It includes a quick phpMyEdit generated page to view the logs through a browser an
The SoftwareGroupNG project is an interactive website, targeted at bringing to the foreground of the software industry, Nigerian developers who are capable or are ready to learn to use the latest software technologies to design, implement and deploy solu
A fork of the Phpauction GPL 2.1 PHP Based auction software. Refined code, PHP 5 compatiblity, Streamlined Templating, Enhanced Security as well as features not found in the GPL version for Windows and Linux / Unix Based Systems
NagMIN is a enterprise class Network Monitoring System, Powered by Nagios, WebMIN, RRDtool, Nmap, Fping, Net::SNMP, Syslog-NG and other open source software providing web-based administration, and enhanced web portal to help you manage your network.
Galaxy Transport is a Galaxy / Galaxy NG / Galaxy PLUS viewer.
GTR should provide game map picture, battle animation and some
automatization of game process.
Uses QT/SDL/Win32 libraries (configurable on compilation stage).