a parametric 3D CAD modeler
A CAD application for creating virtual LEGO models
Cross-platform Open-source 2D CAD
Free and open source pattern design software
LibrePLM integrates CAD editors in Odoo / LibrERP
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
very good CAD software
Solve Alignment of Road , Rail,Tunnel
GDSread reads and converts Calma GDS stream files .
CAD Application entire developed in Python
Helps with the Mach3 CNC Threading functionality
Free CAD software
Design your own pottery for 3D printing in full color
Free 3D Mobile CAD
Packing two dimensional rectangular elements at orthogonal table
Simple CAD program
Precise gear geometry generator for spur and helical gears
Subroutines for planar mechanism simulation
Free multiphysics simulation software package
Open Knowledge on engineering development.
A package for Isogeometric Analysis in Octave and Matlab
2D Frame Analysis, Linear Static Analysis, Mode Shapes
Free, Browser-Based HTML5 CAD App
A finite element data exchange system