Blazingly Fast & Customizable Linux distribution
tiny User Level Threads library
A lightning fast, simple, robust and secure web server.
Linux 4.9 Kernel for Xiaomi Mi A1 aka Tissot
Scriptable database and system performance benchmark
Command line tool to run batches of jobs in parallel.
RTOS for Secure, Safe and Real-Time Systems
Multipurpose platform of modularized client or server daemon.
Open-source RTOS and Embedded Systems Toolkit for C++ and C
X-hyp free Hypervisor
A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture
Monitor and scheduler for applications states
Fast calendar calculations for 10,000 years (Julian and Gregorian)
A custom fork of the Linux kernel.
manage init/shutdown/monitoring of services
A set of library for C++, including a script programming language