A code generator for connecting C/C++ with other programming languages
The kit can be used as code generator for any programming language.
AlgoSim : création, analyse et exécution des algorithmes
A lexical analyzer generator that makes the class source code.
C++ CASE tool, full life cycle code generator
A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture
An object-oriented script language to embed in any application
A novel Code transformation technique to guide test input generator
A family of FLEA-inspired CSPRNGs and Stream Ciphers
A family of small-state CSPRNGs and Stream Ciphers
C/C++ Compiler for the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2)
GHC : Glasgow Haggis Compiler
code generator to marshall/unmarshall C and C++ data structures
Pseudo code to ‘C’ Codegenerator