An interactive process viewer
A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, etc.
Linux-CAN / SocketCAN user space applications
Cross-platform IDE for developing embedded solutions and desktops
A free file archiver for extremely high compression
Software para cargar firmware de Routers modem HUAWEI
A project that has moved to GitHub
Arduino ESP32-S2-Mini v1.00 Wemos | Firmware PS4 900x HOST Wifi AP
Browse on Tor/i2p, Anon p2p Chat / FileTx, Conf / Video VoIP
inputbox password WIN OSX GTK QT Console VCPKG C# Lua R Fortran Pascal
File Format Converter Between HEX / BIN / ELF
C library for the development of Linux OpenGL DRM/KMS apps
A new, fast and powerful system shell! Written in pure C!
a filemanager written to help managing movie files and video clips
rw calculates rank-width and rank-decompositions.
Real Space Multigrid based electronic structure code.
The pinnacle of file-sharing and chat - an innovative DC client!
Blocks unwanted calls using caller ID and a modem