dhcpd server
Robust and flexible VPN network tunnelling
MUD server, based on CircleMUD code, russificated
Free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server
#1A - DF4IAH 10 MHz-Ref-Osc. Bootloader and Hardware
#3B - smart LCD hardware driver controlled by an ATmega328P
GNSS or DCF77 disciplined OCXO based on hardware by DL4ZAO and DL7UKM
minix3 DECO file system browser for book_ISO_3_1_0
My adventures with MIDI on 8- and 16-bit computers
Fast Asynchronous Python Web Server
system to integrate vintage telex printers in the internet
A benchmark suite for reliable testing of IP networks.
Binary Modular DataFlow Machine (BMDFM)
Software Unit Tests (Language Independent Approach)
IEC 101 Server and Client Simulator Source code Library, Win, Linux
DB-Library functions which provides a MySQL interface for CLIPS
GSX functions library for CP/M (...and SDL2 with SDL2_gfx)
A simple TCP server using telnet protocol for communication
Non-linear video editor for Linux