M-JPEG, RFC2435, RFC4175 and V4L2 playback libraries
TOISWITCH is a general-Purpose smart-home server for ESP8266
Portable Penetration Testing Operating System
VMWare ESXi Virtual Machine Backup, runs in free ESXi
French Geographic Information System
ultimate channel management tcl script for eggdrop
The missing terminal file browser for X
opkg for cmu mazda infotainment
Genealogy data base programs for tracking family history
A real time inference engine for temporal logical specifications
A simple armv7h sdk
Mala ProEx and Easy Locator GPR control software
A library for blocking access to network on-the-fly
An open smart home project.
GPU/MIC accelerated radio interferometric calibration program
A lexical analyzer generator that makes the class source code.
GPL'd firmware for the CUL family of devices
Command-line calculator and libray.
A library for hiding the local IP address from applications.
Serves XML element content over a UDS or TLS.
ProStack - a platform for image processing and analysis
Linux Library on top of Libc focusing on long term support.
Robust and flexible VPN network tunnelling
Various small and useful command-line utilities