CloudCompare main repository
Cross-platform Open-source 2D CAD
a parametric 3D CAD modeler
A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
Free and open source pattern design software
Open-Source Multiphysics FEA (FEM) Package
LibrePLM integrates CAD editors in Odoo / LibrERP
Simple Road Design and Earthworks
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Solver
3D/2D Concrete Reinforcement in Bentley MicroStation
LIXA, LIbre XA, is a free and open source XA transaction manager
cppcam is a 3D CAD app for drafting G-Code toolpaths for CNC Routers
BoltGenerator is an automated CAD tool which produces 3D bolts.
Demonstrates a quadtree for spatial indexing of triangles
Open Source Planar Linkage Mechanism Simulation and Synthesis Software
conducteö - logiciel de calcul des ponts thermiques linéiques
Geometric kernel for CAD programs using an atomic approach
Design your own pottery for 3D printing in full color
Create Strain and Kinetic Energy Density maps from FEA
Free 3D Mobile CAD
Open-Source Shoemaking
Application Integration for HPC Multiphysics
Track an Abaqus job to show the progress of the Step solution