Open-source 3D RTS game inspired by the Dungeon Keeper series
Cross platform 2D/3D game engine written in C++11 & OpenGL ES 2/3
Mahasona engine is an open source game engine.
A traditional top-down OpenGL car racing game
A simple turn-based artillery game and also a real-time strategy game.
A runtime-programmable, cross platform, game engine
Chess master with 3D graphics
Free-roaming 3D racing game featuring advanced terrain rendering
An application that create a scene in HGE file format.
a 3D dungeon exploration game
Open Source 3D Game Engine
Evidyon - No Man's Land FREE Open Source MMORPG
Multimedia asset management and manipulator for Étoilé
a game library to develop audio games
Cross-platform C framework very compact libraries and tools.
Your death sentence awaits...
Free 3D Roguelike action RPG