A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino
The Swift Programming Language
ESP8266 Weather Station library supporting OpenWeatherMap
JSON that's part of C++
Jsonnet, the data templating language
File Dialog for Dear ImGui
Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
A Moonscript dialect compiles to Lua
websocket and http client and server library, with TLS support
Open source Cardboard SDK and samples
Library for parsing and validating international phone numbers
Library for efficient similarity search and clustering dense vectors
Git status for Bash and Zsh prompt
The IDE for competitive programming
A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
mawww's experiment for a better code editor
NativeScript for Android using v8
Write your game with TypeScript in UE or Unity
This is an implementation of Facebook's GraphQL in .NET
Realm is a mobile database, an alternative to SQLite key-value stores
Language-independent stack for point-to-point RPC implementation
Apache Impala
Lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in apps