TextFind2 is a program for searching in a TXT file
a customizable boot menu for your Kobo Mini
Uranie is CEA's uncertainty analysis platform, based on ROOT
Time-dependent simulation of open and closed quantum systems
A music tracker software for Windows.
A C++ library for AVR and NodeMCU
Comet open source tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) search engine.
testbed for QFT and such
Adaptive analysis of amino acid alphabets
Code generator for RDF to C++
Generate boilerplate for LV2 plugins
SC is a C based meta/programming language/environment
Nonresidential California Energy Commission Performance Compliance
Open-source code that enables you to use Serpent in CBC mode
Qt-based Apple //e emulator, in C++
C++ Mock object auto generator
Supporting Code for Bloom Filter Analysis UCSB CMPSC 130A F22
Residential California Energy Commissiom Performance Compliance
God of War Gameplay Tweaks
Example Code for STm32 Evalboard STM32F0DISCOVERY
Lexer and parser generator tool for C++
utility to convert a mesh to brush "QuakeEditor style".