Showing 29 open source projects for "jupyter notebook installer"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

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    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • 1
    Jupyter Notebook Viewer

    Jupyter Notebook Viewer

    A Jupyter notebook viewer for macOS

    A native macOS application to view Jupyter/IPython notebooks.
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  • 2


    Python data, Leaflet.js maps

    ...-in tilesets from OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Stamen, and supports custom tilesets with Mapbox or Cloudmade API keys. folium supports both Image, Video, GeoJSON and TopoJSON overlays. To create a base map, simply pass your starting coordinates to Folium. To display it in a Jupyter notebook, simply ask for the object representation. The default tiles are set to OpenStreetMap, but Stamen Terrain, Stamen Toner, Mapbox Bright, and Mapbox Control Room, and many others tiles are built in.
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  • 3


    A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis

    .... It is a free and open-source Python package that enables users to analyze and visualize geospatial data with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment, such as Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, and JupyterLab. Leafmap is built upon several open-source packages, such as folium and ipyleaflet (for creating interactive maps), WhiteboxTools and whiteboxgui (for analyzing geospatial data), and ipywidgets (for designing interactive graphical user interface [GUI]).
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  • 4


    import code from IJulia Jupyter notebooks into Julia programs

    NBInclude is a package for the Julia language that allows you to include and execute IJulia (Julia-language Jupyter) notebook files just as you would include an ordinary Julia file. The goal of this package is to make notebook files just as easy to incorporate into Julia programs as ordinary Julia (.jl) files, giving you the advantages of a notebook (integrated code, formatted text, equations, graphics, and other results) while retaining the modularity and re-usability of .jl files.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    A more accurate representation of jupyter notebooks

    A more accurate representation of Jupyter notebooks when converting to pdfs. This template was designed to make converted Jupyter notebooks look (almost) identical to the actual notebook. If something doesn't exist in the original notebook then it doesn't belong in the conversion. As of nbconvert 5.5.0, the majority of these improvements have been merged into nbconvert's default template. Version 3.x of this package will continue to support nbconvert 5.5.0 and lower, whereas in the future...
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  • 6


    High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform

    Nuclio is an open source and managed serverless platform used to minimize development and maintenance overhead and automate the deployment of data-science-based applications. Real-time performance running up to 400,000 function invocations per second. Portable across low laptops, edge, on-prem and multi-cloud deployments. The first serverless platform supporting GPUs for optimized utilization and sharing. Automated deployment to production in a few clicks from Jupyter notebook. Deploy one...
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  • 7


    The power of Chart.js with Python

    Create charts with Python in a very similar way to creating charts using Chart.js. The charts created are fully configurable, interactive, and modular and are displayed directly in the output of the cells of your jupyter notebook environment. Charts are fully interactive, you can hover it to display tooltips and select the information you want to see directly from the output cell of your notebook. All the types of charts present in Chart.js are exposed in ipychart. Even complex features...
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  • 8


    Progress bars for threading and multiprocessing tasks on terminal

    Progress bars for threading and multiprocessing tasks on the terminal and Jupyter Notebook. atpbar can display multiple progress bars simultaneously growing to show the progresses of iterations of loops in threading or multiprocessing tasks. atpbar can display progress bars on the terminal and Jupyter Notebook. atpbar can be used with Mantichora. atpbar started its development in 2015 as part of Alphatwirl. atpbar prevented physicists from terminating their running analysis codes, which would...
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  • 9


    Clean Jupyter notebooks of outputs, metadata, and empty cells

    nb-clean cleans Jupyter notebooks of cell execution counts, metadata, outputs, and (optionally) empty cells, preparing them for committing to version control. It provides both a Git filter and pre-commit hook to automatically clean notebooks before they're staged, and can also be used with other version control systems, as a command line tool, and as a Python library. It can determine if a notebook is clean or not, which can be used as a check in your continuous integration pipelines. nb-clean...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 10


    A Python package for interactive geospaital analysis and visualization

    A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine. Geemap is a Python package for geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine (GEE), which is a cloud computing platform with a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. During the past few years, GEE has become very popular in the geospatial community and it has empowered numerous environmental applications at local, regional, and global scales. GEE...
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  • 11


    Making DAG construction easier

    gusty allows you to control your Airflow DAGs, Task Groups, and Tasks with greater ease. gusty manages collections of tasks, represented as any number of YAML, Python, SQL, Jupyter Notebook, or R Markdown files. A directory of task files is instantly rendered into a DAG by passing a file path to gusty's create_dag function. gusty also manages dependencies (within one DAG) and external dependencies (dependencies on tasks in other DAGs) for each task file you define. All you have to do is provide...
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  • 12
    Google Spreadsheets Python

    Google Spreadsheets Python

    Google Sheets Python API

    ... of gspread have used oauth2client. Google has deprecated it in favor of google-auth. If you’re still using oauth2client credentials, the library will convert these to google-auth for you, but you can change your code to use the new credentials to make sure nothing breaks in the future. If you familiar with the Jupyter Notebook, Google Colaboratory is probably the easiest way to get started using gspread.
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  • 13


    Scientific reports/literate programming for Julia

    Weave is a scientific report generator/literate programming tool for the Julia programming language. It resembles Pweave, knitr, R Markdown, and Sweave. You can write your documentation and code in an input document using Markdown, Noweb or ordinal Julia script syntax, and then use the weave function to execute code and generate an output document while capturing results and figures. Supports various output document formats: HTML, PDF, GitHub markdown, Jupyter Notebook, MultiMarkdown, Asciidoc...
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  • 14


    Build dashboards in Jupyter Notebook with numeric and chart boxes

    Bloxs is a simple Python package that helps you display information in an attractive way (formed in blocks). Perfect for building dashboards, reports and apps in the notebook.
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  • 15


    The Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract

    gophernotes is a Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract. It lets you use Go interactively in a browser-based notebook or desktop app. Use gophernotes to create and share documents that contain live Go code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. These notebooks, with the live Go code, can then be shared with others via email, Dropbox, GitHub and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer. Go forth and do data science, or anything else interesting, with Go notebooks! This project utilizes a Go...
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  • 16
    Jupyter Dock

    Jupyter Dock

    Perform molecular docking protocols interactively

    Jupyter Dock is a set of Jupyter Notebooks for performing molecular docking protocols interactively, as well as visualizing, converting file formats and analyzing the results. These notebooks are Python 3 compatible. Each protocol and Jupyter notebook has its own test folder for testing and reproducibility evaluation. For all notebooks, the demonstration includes the use of AutoDock Vina and Ledock. When available, some alternatives are mentioned in the protocol. Jupyter Dock's initial goal...
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  • 17


    BertViz: Visualize Attention in NLP Models (BERT, GPT2, BART, etc.)

    BertViz is an interactive tool for visualizing attention in Transformer language models such as BERT, GPT2, or T5. It can be run inside a Jupyter or Colab notebook through a simple Python API that supports most Huggingface models. BertViz extends the Tensor2Tensor visualization tool by Llion Jones, providing multiple views that each offer a unique lens into the attention mechanism. The head view visualizes attention for one or more attention heads in the same layer. It is based on the excellent...
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    A Cytoscape Jupyter widget

    A widget enabling interactive graph visualization with cytoscape.js in JupyterLab and the Jupyter Notebook.
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    Installable / Portable Python Distribution for Everyone.

    PySchool is a free and open-source Python distribution intended primarily for students who learn Python and data analysis, but it can also used by scientists, engineering, and data scientists. It includes more than 150 Python packages (full edition) including numpy, pandas, scipy, sympy, keras, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn, beautifulsoup4...
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    EZStacking is Jupyter notebook generator for machine learning

    EZStacking is Jupyter notebook generator for supervised learning problems using Scikit-Learn pipelines and stacked generalization. EZStacking handles classification and regression problems for structured data. It can also be viewed as a development tool, because a notebook generated with EZStacking contains: -an exploratory data analysis (EDA) used to assess data quality - a modelling producing a reduced-size stacked estimator - a server returning a prediction, a measure of the quality...
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  • 21
    Jupyter Notebooks as PDF

    Jupyter Notebooks as PDF

    Save Jupyter Notebooks as PDF

    This Jupyter notebook extension allows you to save your notebook as a PDF. To make it easier to reproduce the contents of the PDF at a later date the original notebook is attached to the PDF. Unfortunately not all PDF viewers know how to deal with attachments. PDF viewers known to support downloading of file attachments are: Acrobat Reader, pdf.js and evince. The pdftk CLI program can also extract attached files from a PDF. Preview for OSX does not know how to display/give you access...
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  • 22


    Kubeflow’s superfood for Data Scientists

    ... orchestration, re-usability of components, Jupyter Notebooks, rich UIs and more. Still, developing and maintaining Kubeflow workflows can be hard for data scientists, who may not be experts in working orchestration platforms and related SDKs. Additionally, data science often involve processes of data exploration, iterative modelling and interactive environments (mostly Jupyter notebook).
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  • 23


    An awesome viewer to browse and render Jupyter Notebooks

    An awesome viewer to browse and render Jupyter Notebooks from local, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or MinIO. Browse and render Jupyter Notebooks from local, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or MinIO. Register and access multiple directories(or buckets) at the same time. Show and allow to config ToC(Table of Contents) included in your Jupyter Notebook. Hide/show all codes in your Jupyter Notebook interactively. Generate a permanent link about your Jupyter Notebook. Download your Jupyter...
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  • 24
    Amazon SageMaker Examples

    Amazon SageMaker Examples

    Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build models using SageMaker

    ... on-boarding for their team members, freeing them up from complex systems admin and security processes. Administrators control data access and resource provisioning for their users. Notebook Instances are another option. They have the familiar Jupyter and JuypterLab interfaces that work well for single users, or small teams where users are also administrators. Advanced users also use SageMaker solely with the AWS CLI and Python scripts using boto3 and/or the SageMaker Python SDK.
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  • 25


    Display in Tableau data from Jupyter notebooks

    Jupytab allows you to explore in Tableau data which is generated dynamically by a Jupyter Notebook. You can thus create Tableau data sources in a very flexible way using all the power of Python. This is achieved by having Tableau access data through a web server created by Jupytab.
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