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    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1


    WinPayXT Windows Payroll APP 2024

    This is a sample/educational demo payroll program, for learning payroll and MS-Access programming. It is similar to the app WebPayXT2023, written in MS-Access. WinPayXT is for a small business, with 1-15 employees. It should give you practice in learning payroll, installing on the Windows Desktop, and learning MS-Access. The WinPayXT App calculates payroll, and produces reports for tax and accounting purposes. Read the readme file, and manual, for greatest use of this App. This version...
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  • 2


    Accountant's Friend - General Ledger Ver 7b Beta

    Accountant's Friend is a General Ledger accounting system that provides the basic G/L and related accounting procedures for a small business. Typical businesses might be Accounting, Law, Product Resale, Computer Programming, Website Design, Repair, Training, or others. You do the G/L Transaction Entry with the system, and at the end of the month prepare your Financial Statements. The G/L system prints reports on all aspects of the G/L accounting. You might also be interested in a...
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  • 3


    Free Inventory Software

    MerciGest is a free inventory management software. The program allows you to manage thousands of items in the warehouse by showing them in a complete list of loads, unloads, returns and stock. The software also allows you to print transport documents and invoices. The program is available in 4 languages: english, italian, spanish and french In this project there is both the desktop version for Windows and for MS Access. The application written in VBA for MS Access is distributed in...
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  • 4


    Simple Invoicing program for Desktop written in vba and Access

    ... and Accounting Purposes. Read the readme file, and manual for greatest use of this App. This is an upgrade of Version to 6a. The application can now produce a Revenue Graph, you can add Inventory on the Invoice, and print mail labels. The MS-Access Runtimes for 32/64 bits are included. The ZIP file contains all program code, and program elements needed to work on. Find this and/or other free programs at: https://gotomarcus.com/main/marcus/index.php
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 5


    Demo Invoicing APP for Veterinarian Medical Office

    ... and Accounting Purposes. See the readme file, and manual for greatest use of this App. It is derived from a previously written APP. The application now has an Appointment feature.
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  • 6
     Verwaltungsprogramm4.1 Schmiedehammer

    Verwaltungsprogramm4.1 Schmiedehammer

    Kunden-, Lieferanten-, Mitarbeiter-, Aktivitäten-, Stundenverwaltung

    Verwaltungsprogramm4 Schmiedehammer (OpenFaktura) ist ein freies Projekt für österreichische Metallbearbeiter Das Projekt ist frei, benötigt aber mindestens eine aktuelle Microsoft Access-Umgebung (Wir entwickeln unter Office 365) Damit werden alle Kontakte verwaltet, Geschäftsbriefe erstellt, Aufträge und ToDo-Listen verwaltet, Arbeitsstundenaufzeichnung und Materialzuordnung zu den Aufträgen ist eingebaut. Angebote können kalkuliert werden und mit Bildern ausgedruckt werden. Nach...
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  • 7
    This is a simple credit tracking program. You can easily keep track of your customers debts and payment records and track how much each customer owes, whether they have paid or not.
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    An Invoicing program for Auto Shops written in vba and MS-Access.

    ... for A/R, Inventory, History and Accounting Purposes. See the readme file, and manual for greatest use of this App. This is an upgrade of Version 5d to 6a. The application now has an Appointment feature. Find this and/or other free programs at: https://gotomarcus.com/main/marcus/index.php
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    Accountants Friend - Payables and Disbursements

    AF - Payables is a Windows Based Payables APP written as a sample application for programmers who want to learn VBA and the MS-Access database. So you can use it to help if you are programmer . You can also use it to do Payables for a small business (1 – 15 employees). Before beginning, please note that setting up, and logging into the APP, is described in the Appendix. Also read the readme.txt file in the program directory. Note that the program is a conversion of the Invoicing APP. So...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10
    Flight Logs

    Flight Logs

    Maintain logs of model rocket flights and your rocket fleet inventory

    Update This project has been discontinued due to Microsoft deprecating VBA and VBScript in upcoming Windows updates. Both of these services are needed for Flight Logs to function. Original Description Flight Logs is more than just a database to log your rocket flights. Flight Logs is an in-depth record of your rocket activities. It records your flights plus collects data on events surrounding your flights, and allows you to track how well the rocket performed. The rocket's very...
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    Carsharing Abrechnungsprogramm

    Das Abrechnungsprogramm, basierend auf MS-Access, berechnet die Kosten für die Carsharing-Nutzungen im Abrechnungszeitraum und erstellt eine Rechnung für jeden Teilnehmer. Es erfasst die gebuchten Zeiten aus dem Buchungssystem und die gefahrenen Kilometer aus dem Fahrtenbuch. elkatoAbrechnung ist jedoch kein Buchführungsprogramm. Benzinquittungen und andere Belege sind nicht Bestandteil der Rechnung und werden deshalb in elkato-Abrechnung nicht erfasst. Dies geschieht im Rahmen der...
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  • 12


    Asset depreciation, monthly book

    Depreciation is an accounting method, by which the dollar value of an asset (e.g. piece of equipment) is reduced, and applied to expense, as the asset is used and ages. When you buy an asset, the cost of it is debited to an asset account at the top of the balance sheet. This is true even if you pay cash for it. This is in contrast to applying the asset cost all at once to an expense account. The reason is that the asset is of value to the business. However, as the asset is used, and ages,...
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  • 13


    A billing APP for Equipment Sales/Repair Shops written in MS-Access.

    ..., Appointments, and Quotes, and produces reports for A/R, Inventory, History and Accounting Purposes. See the readme file, and manual for greatest use of this App. Find other free programs at: https://gotomarcus.com/marcusacademy/marcusmain/index.php
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  • 14


    This is a sample payroll program, for learning payroll and MS-Access

    This is a sample/educational demo payroll program, for learning payroll and MS-Access programming. It is similar to the app WebPayXT2021, written in MS-Access. WinPayXT is for a small business, with 1-15 employees. It should give you practice in learning payroll, installing on the Windows Desktop, and learning MS-Access. The WinPayXT App calculates payroll, and produces reports for tax and accounting purposes. Read the readme file, and manual, for greatest use of this App. This version...
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  • 15


    Excel macro to display HP 93000 Shmoo

    HP93000 Shmoo Excel Tools read the shmoo files in hp93000 shmoo text-file format, and show them or overlay them.
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  • 16
    My Time Tabulator

    My Time Tabulator

    A free, task and time tracker with a simple user interface and reports

    A free, lean task and time tracker with a simple user interface and several reports for analysis. Use it daily. Use it consistently. It literally takes just 3 to 4 minutes per day. Built as a standalone tool for individual contributors working from a desktop or laptop computer. Rollup your time for better estimates, for better performance review discussions, to help optimize where effort gets focused, or just to set expectations for how long a complex thought-work-task takes. Simple,...
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  • 17

    Free VCF file to CSV or Excel converter

    Excel VBA Script to convert VCF file with multiple entries to CSV file

    This is an Excel based VBA script used to import bulk .VCF files that contain more than 1 Vcard and then convert them to a comma separated .CSV file or Excel xls file that can then be imported into Outlook, Google, or any other application that supports import of contacts using CSV files. This has been written to support VCF 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 formatted files including those with printable encoding (MIME) and has been tested with bulk VCF files from Backupify, Google Contacts (Gmail...
    Downloads: 82 This Week
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  • 18
    My Test Case Manager

    My Test Case Manager

    A lean, flexible XL test case manager for small to midsize projects

    ... project team. Show them how test cycles work, how test cases are built up over time, how regression testing works with each new build received, how risk is managed from build test to build test, etc. See GitHub link for documentation, larger template, and "source code" (it's a codeless XLSX file). Requires Excel for Office 365. GitHub: https://github.com/DataResearchLabs/my_test_case_manager YouTube Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVHoUDdbskUSZQsl0iexHwRGb8Z7_EjlS
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  • 19

    Artwork Collections Database

    Artwork collections is perfect for artists, collectors and galleries

    The Artwork collections database was designed and built for artists, collectors, galleries, and anyone who has a need to record and manage artworks. The Artwork Collections database stores detailed information on an artwork's provenance, past exhibits, and publication information. Link multiple images, and/or important provenance or valuation documents all in one place. Track and manage artworks that out on loan for exhibition or consignment. Select any number of artworks for...
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  • 20
    Excel CCS

    Excel CCS

    Quick converter from Price Table to Price List in Excel

    The software Candy CCS only accepts listed items when it cames to Prices input, this file converts the supplier common Array format of prices into a List format ready to be pasted on the CCS interface. It may also be used with any other Construction Estimating Software in similar situations. It may also be used for any other purpose whenever a conversion from Array data to List data is needed.
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  • 21
    Stack OMS (Office Management System)

    Stack OMS (Office Management System)

    Use Coupon code : 73626 to get it for free | visit : www.stackoms.com

    Stack OMS is a Ms Access based Free Office Management System for Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Tax Consultants and Advocates which have unique features like CRM, Task Manager, MIS and much more . It requires Windows 7 (SP 1) or latest and Microsoft Office 2010 or latest. If you do not have Microsoft office installed in your computer you can install Ms Access Run Time and use the application. It is free application for lifetime. Important Information: We believe...
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  • 22


    This is a sample payroll program, for learning payroll and MS-Access

    ... W2 forms at year end. Updates in AFPay3a.exe fixes deduction problem. Read the readme file, and manual, for greatest use of this App. Find this and/or other free programs at: dndlearning.com/marcusacademy/marcusmain/index.php Enjoy!
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  • 23

    akcansoft XLS-to-VCF

    This Excel file exports contact information from a table to a vcf file

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  • 24
    Data Register Manager. IT scientific-research project. (Управляющий реестром данных. Научно-исследовательский проект в области информационных технологий)
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  • 25


    Help manage acronyms in a MS Word document

    Two macros for MS Word. These were written and proven in Word 2013. First one is acronym_gather. This macro operates on whatever document is open and gathers every acronym into a list, then counts each occurrence of the acronym and sorts the list alphabetically. The count functionality can be turned off, and *should* be turned off use to the output with the acronym_highlighter. The second macro is acronym_highlighter. This macro asks for a .txt file which should be the file produced...
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