Desktop Full-Text Search inside text and Microsoft Office files.
Free Open Source Reporting tool for .NET
Create, Edit, Delete, Organize , Convert, Export, Secure & Sign PDF.
Digital signature pdf with advanced security.
This is a simple payroll program, for learning Payroll and MS-Access
A simple toolset to help students understand basic accounting
A graphing calculator that's both powerful and easy to use.
Manage your Access MDB sales Database on LAN server with .NET client
Insert quotes from a variety of Bible versions into your documents
ALGO GST Billing Software
A simple .NET time clock application for small businesses.
Report Designer for .net Applications
Free Simple POS system
Simple Windows Tip Calculator
GUI for MOPAC, DFTB+, GAMESS, Firefly, NWChem, ORCA and PSI4
Search engine using MySql and VB .NET
Thought-holder - holds thoughts for later viewing and tracking.
An applicaton for CAN bus coms development, testing and validation
Sysnav Technologies is a leading software solutions provider in Kenya.
This tool is designed to help users choose colours in what they see...
Rretrieve GeoIP information from IPv4 or Domainname