Pandas on AWS, easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, etc.
Convert Python notebook to web app and share with non-technical users
Build data pipelines, the easy way
Cross-platform, scientific graphics plotting library
PDF Utility is a tool designed to efficiently manipulate PDF files
csv2odf can convert csv data to formatted spreadsheets and documents.
PDF Combiner is a user-friendly, GUI-based tool built in
Convert Banking CSV-Files to MT940 format for Input in GNUCASH
Docx-2-PDF: The Converter [Improved.Simplified.Alternative]
Converts simple lists of lots and sales into a TXF file
Installable / Portable Python Distribution for Everyone.
e-Dokyumento is web-based Document Management System (DMS)
Just Another Speech Recognition and Text to Speech software.
Migrate/Copy your data between Oracle database and 13 major DBs.
Extract-Copy-Load (ECL) tool for 14 databases.
A tool to convert an exported text file from one format to another.