Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Open source PDF editor
Generate diagrams from textual description
Python data, Leaflet.js maps
Investment research for everyone, anywhere
An open source document management tool
Web-based SQL editor run in your own private cloud
A web interface to create custom vector-based visualizations
Shopizer java e-commerce software
World's most comprehensive, powerful, process-based PDF editor
MIRT: Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (Julia version)
Automatically find issues in image datasets
Train machine learning models within Docker containers
Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia
Open source annotation and labeling tool for image and video assets
AutoGluon: AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
Graph-based molecule modeling toolkit for cheminformatics
Docker image used to run data processing workloads
Fast and efficient plotting of images inside Python Notebooks
Julia package for displaying images in the terminal using ANSI colors
Super simple PDF invoicing
TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and ML
A workflow engine base on django python
Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects