Showing 1866 open source projects for "one-wire"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 1


    Metaprogramming tools for DataFrames

    Metaprogramming tools for DataFrames.jl objects to provide more convenient syntax. DataFrames.jl has the functions select, transform, and combine, as well as the in-place select! and transform! for manipulating data frames. DataFramesMeta.jl provides the macros @select, @transform, @combine, @select!, and @transform! to mirror these functions with more convenient syntax. Inspired by dplyr in R and LINQ in C#.
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    Qualitis is a one-stop data quality management platform

    Qualitis is a data quality management platform that supports quality verification, notification, and management for various datasource. It is used to solve various data quality problems caused by data processing. Based on Spring Boot, Qualitis submits quality model task to Linkis platform. It provides functions such as data quality model construction, data quality model execution, data quality verification, reports of data quality generation and so on. At the same time, Qualitis provides...
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    Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects

    ydata-profiling primary goal is to provide a one-line Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) experience in a consistent and fast solution. Like pandas df.describe() function, that is so handy, ydata-profiling delivers an extended analysis of a DataFrame while allowing the data analysis to be exported in different formats such as html and json.
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    Recap tracks and transform schemas across your whole application

    Recap is a schema language and multi-language toolkit to track and transform schemas across your whole application. Your data passes through web services, databases, message brokers, and object stores. Recap describes these schemas in a single language, regardless of which system your data passes through. Recap schemas can be defined in YAML, TOML, JSON, XML, or any other compatible language.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 5


    Streaming reactive and dataflow graphs in Python

    Tributary is a library for constructing dataflow graphs in Python. Unlike many other DAG libraries in Python (airflow, luigi, prefect, dagster, dask, kedro, etc), tributary is not designed with data/etl pipelines or scheduling in mind. Instead, tributary is more similar to libraries like mdf, loman, pyungo, streamz, or pyfunctional, in that it is designed to be used as the implementation for a data model. One such example is the greeks library, which leverages tributary to build data models...
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    A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub

    A GitHub (gh) CLI extension to display a dashboard with pull requests and issues by filters you care about. Write multiple configuration files to easily switch between completely different dashboards. Repo name-to-path mappings can be an exact match (full name, full path) or wildcard matched using the owner and partial path. To override the default set of terminal colors and instead create your own color scheme, you can define one in your config.yml file. If you choose to go this route, you...
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    Call Java from Julia

    Call Java programs from Julia. Julia 1.3.0 through Julia 1.6.2 are tested and guaranteed to work on Linux, macOS, and Windows via continuous integration. Julia 1.6.2 and newer should work on Linux and Windows. The JULIA_COPY_STACKS environment variable should be set to 1 on macOS and Linux, but not Windows.
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    Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing API

    ... with coupons that customers can redeem to get a discount. Lago allows you to create one-time charges that are invoiced on the fly. Depending on the configuration of your plans, Lago automatically calculates what each customer owes you and generates invoices. Unlock recurring revenue opportunities for pay-as-you-go pricing models with Lago’s real-time prepaid credit features.
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    Workflow-Streamlined next-generation request tools

    Extremely streamline API integration workflow. Quickly find APIs in the editor, and enjoy full type hints even in js projects with the API code automatically generated by Alova's extension. Request in various complex scenes by one line of code. Automatically manage paging data, and data preloading, reduce unnecessary data refresh, improve fluency by 300%, and reduce coding difficulty by 50%. Send requests immediately by watching state changes, useful in tab switching and condition querying...
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  • Build Securely on Azure with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on Azure with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 10


    Sort of like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, CPU, GPU

    In terminal graphical metrics for your *nix system written in Rust. The make file provides for building fully static versions on Linux against the musl C library. It requires musl-gcc to be installed on the system. Install "musl-tools" package on debian/ubuntu derivatives, "musl-gcc" on fedora and equivalent on other distributions from their standard repos. If one needs to build with NVIDIA support in a virtual environment, then it requires some more setup since typically the VM software...
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    A scientific machine learning (SciML) wrapper for the FEniCS

    FEniCS.jl is a wrapper for the FEniCS library for finite element discretizations of PDEs. This wrapper includes three parts. Installation and direct access to FEniCS via a Conda installation. Alternatively one may use their current FEniCS installation. A low-level development API and provides some functionality to make directly dealing with the library a little bit easier, but still requires knowledge of FEniCS itself. Interfaces have been provided for the main functions and their attributes...
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    Easy peasy logging to TensorBoard with Julia

    TensorBoardLogger.jl is a native library for logging arbitrary data to Tensorboard, extending Julia's standard Logging framework. It can also be used to deserialize TensoBoard's .proto files. The fundamental type defined in this package is a TBLogger, which behaves like other standard loggers in Julia such as ConsoleLogger or TextLogger. You can create one by passing it the path to the folder where you want to store the data. You can also pass an optional second argument to specify...
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    Interactive visualization tools for Julia

    Julia already has a rich set of plotting tools in the form of the Plots and Makie ecosystems, and various backends for these. So why another plotting package? InteractiveViz is not a replacement for Plots or Makie, but rather a graphics pipeline system developed on top of Makie. It has a few objectives. To provide a simple API to visualize large or possibly infinite datasets (tens of millions of data points) easily. To enable interactivity, and be responsive even with large amounts of data....
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    Distributed parallelization of stencil-based GPU and CPU applications

    ImplicitGlobalGrid is an outcome of a collaboration of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, ETH Zurich (Dr. Samuel Omlin) with Stanford University (Dr. Ludovic Räss) and the Swiss Geocomputing Centre (Prof. Yuri Podladchikov). It renders the distributed parallelization of stencil-based GPU and CPU applications on a regular staggered grid almost trivial and enables close to ideal weak scaling of real-world applications on thousands of GPUs [1, 2, 3]. ImplicitGlobalGrid relies on the Julia...
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    Julia package of loss functions for machine learning

    This package represents a community effort to centralize the definition and implementation of loss functions in Julia. As such, it is a part of the JuliaML ecosystem. The sole purpose of this package is to provide an efficient and extensible implementation of various loss functions used throughout Machine Learning (ML). It is thus intended to serve as a special purpose back-end for other ML libraries that require losses to accomplish their tasks. To that end we provide a considerable amount...
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    CEED Library: Code for Efficient Extensible Discretizations

    ... of the documentation. One of the challenges with high-order methods is that a global sparse matrix is no longer a good representation of a high-order linear operator, both with respect to the FLOPs needed for its evaluation, as well as the memory transfer needed for a matvec. Thus, high-order methods require a new "format" that still represents a linear (or more generally non-linear) operator, but not through a sparse matrix.
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    Generic Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia

    ... to the command line version and yet to provide all the facilities of the Julia language. In this sense, all GMT options are put in a single text string that is passed, plus the data itself when it applies, to the gmt() command. However, we also acknowledge that not every one is comfortable with the GMT syntax. This syntax is needed to accommodate the immense pool of options that let you control all details of a figure but that also makes it harder to read/master.
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    Symbolic parser for Julia language term rewriting using REDUCE algebra

    ... including Run-REDUCE, TeXmacs and GNU Emacs. REDUCE (and its complete source code) is available free of charge for most common computing systems, in some cases in more than one version for the same machine. The manual and other support documents and tutorials are also included in the distributions.
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    Root finding functions for Julia

    This package contains simple routines for finding roots, or zeros, of scalar functions of a single real variable using floating-point math. The find_zero function provides the primary interface. The basic call is find_zero(f, x0, [M], [p]; kws...) where, typically, f is a function, x0 a starting point or bracketing interval, M is used to adjust the default algorithms used, and p can be used to pass in parameters. Bisection-like algorithms. For functions where a bracketing interval is known (one...
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    Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia

    ..., strings, and arrays), HDF5 provides sufficient metadata to know how each item is to be interpreted. For example, HDF5 encodes that a given block of bytes is to be interpreted as an array of Int64, and represents them in a way that is compatible across different computing architectures. However, to preserve Julia objects, one generally needs additional type information to be supplied, which is easy to provide using attributes.
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    Package to make C++ libraries available in Julia

    This package aims to provide a Boost. Python-like wrapping for C++ types and functions to Julia. The idea is to write the code for the Julia wrapper in C++, and then use a one-liner on the Julia side to make the wrapped C++ library available there. The mechanism behind this package is that functions and types are registered in C++ code that is compiled into a dynamic library. This dynamic library is then loaded into Julia, where the Julia part of this package uses the data provided through a C...
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    Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia

    Makie is an interactive data visualization and plotting ecosystem for the Julia programming language, available on Windows, Linux, and Mac. The backend packages GLMakie, WGLMakie, CairoMakie and RPRMakie add different functionalities: You can use Makie to interactively explore your data and create simple GUIs in native Windows or web browsers, export high-quality vector graphics or even raytrace with physically accurate lighting. Choose one or more backend packages: GLMakie (interactive OpenGL...
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    Scale your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code

    Scale your pandas workflow by changing a single line of code. Modin uses Ray, Dask or Unidist to provide an effortless way to speed up your pandas notebooks, scripts, and libraries. Unlike other distributed DataFrame libraries, Modin provides seamless integration and compatibility with existing pandas code. Even using the DataFrame constructor is identical. It is not necessary to know in advance the available hardware resources in order to use Modin. Additionally, it is not necessary to...
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    Population Shift Monitoring

    Population Shift Monitoring

    Monitor the stability of a Pandas or Spark dataframe

    popmon is a package that allows one to check the stability of a dataset. popmon works with both pandas and spark datasets. popmon creates histograms of features binned in time-slices, and compares the stability of the profiles and distributions of those histograms using statistical tests, both over time and with respect to a reference. It works with numerical, ordinal, categorical features, and the histograms can be higher-dimensional, e.g. it can also track correlations between any two...
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    Transform, query, and download geospatial data on the web

    Koop is a JavaScript toolkit for making requests to spatial APIs. It exposes a Node.js web server that facilitates on-the-fly transformations of geospatial data from one format to another and delivers it to clients by HTTP. Koop allows you to keep your data in its native format while making it accessible in any format required. Out-of-the-box, Koop can translate your data into the GeoServices specification supported by ArcGIS products. Its plugin architecture supports output in other formats...
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