A JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards
Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4
Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
Hackable CLI tool for converting Markdown files to PDF using Node.js
Graph theory library for visualization and analysis
Javascript plugin to create web-based tables & spreadsheets
Front-end framework with a built-in dark mode
Calendar web app in HTML CSS JS - Installable and offline capable.
Award-winning modern data processing SDK in C++20
Web-based Project Management System using the Kanban methodology
SVG patterns for data visualization
Free Dashboard Theme Built On Bootstrap 4 | HTML Version
Mini SDK JavaScript API library PDF web apps
Free HTML to PDF Converter for C# .NET and ASP.NET MVC
'HTML/JS OS' - Proof of Concept - ALPHA STATE
JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps
Convert HTML to PDF in .NET with C# using EVO HTML to PDF for .NET
3D urban environment renderer : browser-app ; as well as a GTA clone
Dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript
DRINKS is a set of smart web-based widgets.