Qualitis is a one-stop data quality management platform
An extremely easy way to perform background processing in Java
Open source annotation and labeling tool for image and video assets
Contains various Apache Flink connectors to connect to AWS data
DBMS supporting graph, document, full-text and geospatial models
Distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency
(Q)SAR Model Reporting Format Inventory
smart and open source document management system
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
SDC facilitates development of dist. systems of medical devices.
Java framework for SWIFT [tm] MT (FIN) messaging
Autoplot is an interactive browser for data on the web
Applications for data management
Enterprise Tape Backup Solution (Windows Server 2008R2+)
Webbased modeling tool
Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise scale
Simple message-based, web-based ETL integration
Dynamic Consumption Modeling
World's first open source data quality & data preparation project
Imixs Workflow - the open source business process management
SmartPOS (Includes->SmartERP distro of Idempiere ERP) is 100% Web
Model-view-presenter and model-view-intent library for modern Android