Shopizer java e-commerce software
Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
Application for Mind Mapping, Knowledge and Project Management
New Product Development, Projects and Quality management
RPNCalc - The command line Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculator
ETL engine based on Groovy
Applications for data management
Aplicación para gestionar proyectos e ideas.
Quantum universal object system with referencing and genetics
Harvy is an enterprise-class, telco friendly trouble ticketing system
versioned mindmap draggable web of lists in lists for all your ideas
Piggydb helps you have more fun with knowledge creation.
Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life
MindRaider is a personal notebook and outliner.
JDBC driver for accessing SAP NetWeaver based systems
The most popular mindmapping and brainstorming software
Sorts bulk mailings according to USPS standards.