So much to do, so little time...
Multiprecision calculator
ORBIT : Operating Business Intelligence Tool
Enterprise Tape Backup Solution (Windows Server 2008R2+)
Project productivity & cost estimations tool which creates Gantt Chart
Applications for data management
Software per Call Center
ETL engine based on Groovy
Management of table tennis umpires, referees, and their assigments.
An open-source web-based self-service BI for analytical databases
Just bring Linux for a better world
A bug tracking system in a wlan-, web- or rmi-environment
DICOM workstation in Java
Calculations for Planning and Decision
Maintain your car pool
Maintain your Mail Adresses
Create a Part List
Centralized signing and verification
neoHort:Java PDF&XLSX runtime builder-based iText&JExcelAPI&Apache POI
La plateforme de dématérialisation de nouvelle génération. - BWS
Automate Your eCommerce Business
QNC is a command line interface app for creating quick notes
Gestión de proyectos para freelancer.