SME Accounting package, General Ledger, Debtors, Creditors, Stock
Programma per la gestione delle fatture elettroniche
Park Auto is an application software fleet management.
Sistema de Gestión
Cellular manager for mobile phones/modems
osfinancials accounting and business processing software
GO Gestionale Open: an Open Source ERP for your business
Accounting and CRM components for Delphi
ERP for SMEs (Accounting Module)
TasksAdmin - Gerenciamento de Tarefas
Monitoring tool to log Skype chat messages to SQL database
Free church worship presentation software
Software punto de venta
Sistem Akuntansi Open Travel untuk pengelolaan keuangan travel agent.
accounting software
Fors Data Hizmetleri
Uluslararası Spot Döviz Piyasası Analiz ve Piyasa Takip Programı
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Paduan
Accounting software: HuBH Finanz Buchhaltung (FIBU)