Generate diagrams from textual description
Python data, Leaflet.js maps
Toolkit for making machine learning and data analysis applications
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser
The systemd system and service manager
Revolutionizing Biomedical Research with Advanced Machine Learning
Automated Tool for Optimized Modelling
Data science on data without acquiring a copy
Open Data, more than 50 financial data
Kernel density estimators for Julia
High-performance Toolkit for WebGL-based data visualization
Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
Collection of builder repositories for BinaryBuilder.jl
Web server to run just the `@bind` parts of a Pluto.jl notebook
A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials
Surrogate modeling and optimization for scientific machine learning
lakeFS - Git-like capabilities for your object storage
Upload Actions Artifacts from your Workflow Runs
First open-source data discovery and observability platform
Visualization components
Repository for Digital Earth Australia Jupyter Notebooks
Easy peasy logging to TensorBoard with Julia
Julia package of loss functions for machine learning
Julia bindings for Rust
AutoGluon: AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data