Docker image used to run data processing workloads
Scientific Visualisation Made Easy
Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data
Desktop Calculator for Linux using Kulina Graphics
Tools for 3D image analysis of additively manufactured parts
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
BRIC is a powerful tool for batch image processing.
open source python packages for X-ray MicroLaue Diffraction analysis
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
LithoGraphX, 3D data analysis and visualization
A user-extensible Freemat based 1DGC and GCxGC data analysis software.
A FITS image data viewer & reducer, and UVIT Data Reduction Pipeline.
Testing images for scientific purposes
GPU-accelerated image processing for java
LC-MS/MS data browser designed for siderophore analysis
Scanning Probe Image Wizard - MATLAB Toolbox
Effective Linear Algebra and Computer Vision Library with JAVA
PANorama: Panicle phenotyping for Oryza sativa
Sample Level Modulation of Musical Timeline
A collection of MATLAB tools for PIV, PTV, particle sizing, and more.
matlab 2D image processing GUI toolbox for flow visualization
a dbms for neural nets. Chatbots, DTrees, random forests, n-grams,...
Lloyd's Algorithm-based Volumetric Analysis for AFM Images