Infrastructure Monitoring, Log File Analysis & Visualization
Effective Linear Algebra and Computer Vision Library with JAVA
Dragging and Dropping Components for Multi-projection Applications
ODBO provider for connections to XMLA data sources
Gestion Revit permite crear presupuestos desde un modelo BIM
Open source membership software.
Bioreactor control software for BioFlo® fermentors
Rediscover the Simplicity
Rediscover the Simplicity
sparse and dense matrix, linear algebra, visualization, big data
Simple but Powerful, Cross-Platform Password Management Utility
The scalable open source tool for lean and agile project management
Tool for synthesizing business process logs.
JDBC driver for accessing SAP NetWeaver based systems
Executes SQL query and redirects output to new CSV file
ACTS Free Church Management Software
Polarized ToF reflectivity raw data analysis tool
Eclipse-based report and document development tool for PDFReporter
Cross-platform encrypted password and file database
palo olap open office calc plugin for data analysis
Graphical PDF Library
Simple students' data management software
calendar based vertical table cell data management application
Linux based collaborative password manager with strong encryption.
Manage and track your job candidatures