Showing 200 open source projects for "windows 10 firewall"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1
    PANDA - Print AND Analyse

    PANDA - Print AND Analyse

    Freeware tool to visualize and monitor the usage of your printers

    Panda - Print AND Analyse - is an open source and freeware tool to visualize and monitor the usage of your printers. Your printers have to support SNMP. This software allows to create different graphs and tables to visualize your amount of printouts per month/day. These graphs and tables can be exported (.png and .xls).
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  • 2
    LED billboard panel PIC16F877
    Design of a billboard panel based on Microchip’s microcontroller PIC16F877A, with the following features: 1) Animation: Scrolling messages in vertical and horizontal direction 2) Storage: In EEPROM up to 10 texts of up to 78 caracters. 3) Recording of messages: Via PC serial port. 4) Characters: Size 8x12. 5) RTC: Programmable calendar.
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    BiBlioMX ES

    BiBlioMX ES

    Micla Gestión de Bibliotecas "Biblio Mx"

    Versión española de la popular aplicación para la gestión de una biblioteca. La última versión: Inglés, español, italiano: Estructurado de manera que sea funcional tanto para uso privado y profesional. Además de los campos clásicos para catalogar un libro, que tiene un campo memo (sin límite de tamaño), un campo de imagen de la cubierta y 10 campos adicionales en su totalidad por el usuario adaptable. Realiza avanzado la investigación en todos los...
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    Calculate the number of theoretical trays with McCabe-Thiele method

    Use the McCabe-Thiele method to calculate the number of theoretical trays in a distillation column operated under the conditions specified. It has tools for data analysis to obtain empirical or semi-empirical equilibrium models. You can even use cubic splines. This project uses icons of "Open Icon Library"
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    zsbc is a bc-language calculator working with libgmp

    zsbc can work with two numeric libraries: libbc (original library of bc) and libgmp. zsbc is fully compatible with bc language and extends it for a few features like implicit powmod and automatic invmod. When running with libbc numbers lib, it works with decimal numbers (and it manages the "scale" variable = number of decimals) When running with libgmp numbers lib, it works with integers only. zsbc works on Windows and Linux. zsbc was created just for fun and to work on cryptographic...
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  • 6
    1C Service Kit

    1C Service Kit

    Пакетная обработка баз 1С

    Программа для пакетного архивирования, обновления (в дальнейшем обслуживания, проверок, восстановления и прочего) баз данных 1С. Предназначена для использования как стационарного, так и портативного использования. Поддержка windows 2k/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32/64 bit), платформы 1С 8.2, 8.3. ВНИМАНИЕ! Если возникают какие-либо ошибки то установите Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 и запускайте программу от имени администратора.
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    Break time reminders

    v1.5 Remind yourself how long you have been at the computer. Customize time, action, desktop and lockscreen notifications, with a clean, simple UI.
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    Cloud based Point of Sales

    Forget complicated POS systems with tons of unused features. Tiger Data rethinks the way we do sales using intuitive drag and drop functionality. Touch screens and fluid gestures enable POSture to take advanced orders in mere seconds.
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    New Terrain and 3D Map System

    New Terrain and 3D Map System

    a very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering sys

    A very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering system. Minimal dependencies: OpenGL, SDL. It's distrib in 2-3 separate modules: 1. the C++ implementation of the terrain- and/or surface- rendering Algorithms I have developed: both a multithread and a non-multithread variant is relaeased. 2. Seme as at point 1. , but with a road-network rendering and collision-detection module I wrote before. It also adds some trees at the top of the terrain. (multitread vesion not...
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  • Payroll Services for Small Businesses | QuickBooks Icon
    Payroll Services for Small Businesses | QuickBooks

    Save 50% off for 3 months with QuickBooks Payroll when you Buy Now

    Easily pay your team and access powerful tools, employee benefits, and supportive experts with the #1 online payroll service provider. Manage payroll and access HR and employee services in one place. Pay your team automatically once your payroll setup is complete. We'll calculate, file, and pay your payroll taxes automatically.
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    Agenda simples

    Agenda feita com C + MYSQL + wxWidgets

    Ferramentas utilizadas: CodeBlocks 13.12 + plugin wxSmith - wxWidgets 3.0 - Mysql Connector C - Utilize -std=c99 no compilador! ---------------- TABELA NO MYSQL------------------------------ create table pessoa (id INT primary key auto_increment, nome varchar(75) unique, telefone varchar(20) ); mysql> describe pessoa...
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    A simple Windows tool depending on DOSBox to execute PCPlus with

    This tool is made to help users of PCPlus, a ancient dos program, to continue their business on Windows 7,8 and 10. The tool simply manipulates with the DOSBox configuration file, by mapping drives and the execute the PCPlus program. The users of PCPlus must own their own PCPlus files and licenses. This project does not distibute these! Prior using this tool you must install DOSBox The tool offers the users to define references and workspaces. Users settings is stored in a XML...
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    An easy and fast accessible Clipper.

    This Windows tool gives you quick access to a discrete clipboard. The clipboard from ClipMe can hold a configurable amount of entries (default is 10). You can copy, cut, paste and navigate inside this clipboard with configured hotkeys. This tool is useful for Power Keyboard Users who need more than one clipboard slots.
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    Informatica ExecuteWorkflow

    A utility that uses Informatica Operations API

    A Java utility that uses the Informatica Operations API allowing parameter inputs, trapping of suspended workflows and ability to send an email on failure. This utility extends the functionality of the pmcmd startworkflow and starttask command. If you pass in a parameter file and individual parameters on the command line, a temporary parameter file is created that has the values from the parameter file and appends the individual parameters. The e-mail sent is in HTML format using...
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  • 14


    The scalable open source tool for lean and agile project management

    Agilefant is a simple but powerful web based tool for lean and agile project management. It is the most versatile open source solution of its kind today, with a rapidly growing user base of more than 10k users around the world in thousands of organizations. Based on more than ten years of solid scientific research within real world organizations, Agilefant's unique model scales from personal todo-lists to large-scale multi-team development and long-term product and portfolio management...
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    Probably the most versatile online scheduling system!

    What is it? --------------- Bookient is a multi-vendor, multi-location, multi-channel online cheduling and appointment system. With Bookient you can host global business as appointment system supplier. End-users get one of the world's most versatile appointment booking system! The development of Bookient initiated 2010 with a team of four programmers and a project manager. Our Team leader had gained over 10 years of experience in scheduling solutions through his past position...
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  • 16


    eAnalytics is an open source webanalytics tool

    eAnalytics is a new web analytics system especially designed for companies that require an integrated in-house web analytics solution. The system meets strong privacy issues as well as requirements for a tight integration with other systems.
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    jchart2d is a real-time charting library written in java.

    JChart2D is a easy to use component for displaying two- dimensional traces in a coordinate system written in Java. It supports real-time (animated) charting, custom trace rendering, Multithreading, viewports, automatic scaling and labels. Former UI controls (right click context menu, file menu) have been ported to the subproject jchart2d-uimenu ( for the benefit of having no dependencies to 3rd party libraries.
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    Indasy Point of Sale

    Indasy Point Of Sale (POS)

    ... Management 3. Sales Management 4. Vendors Management 5. Customers Management 6. Ledger Reports 7. Profit / Loss Report 8. Expenses Report 9. Warranty 10. Sale and Purchase Return 11. Send Reports by Email 12. Barcode Generate / Print stickers 13. Payable and Receivables 14. Admin & Users Access & Restrictions 15. Invoice / Receipt Dynamic Print options 16. Export Reports in PDF, Excel and Word Documents 17. Database Backup and Restore Please feedback us
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    Data Migrator for Oracle

    Migrate/Copy your data between Oracle database and 13 major DBs.

    Command line data Copy/Migration tool for Oracle. Supports Oracle 7.3, Oracle 8i, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10G, Oracle 11G and 13 major databases. 1. Exadata 2. Sybase ASE 3. Informix Innovator C 4. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5. DB2 UDB 6. CSV 7. SQLServer 8. MariaDB 9. Sybase IQ 10. PostgreSQL 11. MySQL 12. Informix IDS 13. TimesTen
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    Gea.Net Web

    Gea.Net Web

    Gea.Net Web Gestionale ERP Web

    ... fornitori. Gea.Net Web può essere provato al link Attivazione gratuita e assistenza e partire da 10 Euro al mese. Per maggiori info si veda Qui è possibile scaricare il package di installazione su server proprietario. Per i sorgenti di Gea.Net Web si veda Esiste una versione Small con sorgenti disponibili gratuitamente al link
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  • 21
    Puji Syukur Alhamdulillah SmileCodes ucapkan kepada Allah pencipta alam dan pengatur segala isinya. Hari ini (Senin, 15/10/2012) SmileCodes berhasil menyelesaikan program Aplikasi Tabungan Sekolah versi 1.0 RTM. Banyak hal yang mengganggu hingga waktu pengerjaan yang begitu lama, mulai dari perisapan akreditasi sekolah, tugas mengajar, mempersiapkan RPP dan perbaikan silabus serta adanya pekerjaan lain yang tidak mungkin SmileCodes tulis satu per satu. Aplikasi Tabungan Sekolah ini...
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  • 22

    Data Migration Tools for RDBMS

    DataMigrator for 14 major databases

    Touch and go Windows command line data migration tool for 14 databases: 1. Sybase ASE 2. Informix Innovator C 3. Sybase SQL Anywhere 4. DB2 UDB 5. SQLServer 6. MariaDB 7. Sybase IQ 8. PostgreSQL 9. MySQL 10. Informix IDS 11. TimesTen 12. Oracle 13. SQL Lite 14. Exadata
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    Extract-Copy-Load (ECL) tool for 14 databases.

    Extract, Copy and Load operations for: 1. Sybase ASE 2. Informix Innovator C 3. Sybase SQL Anywhere 4. DB2 UDB 5. SQLServer 6. MariaDB 7. Sybase IQ 8. PostgreSQL 9. MySQL 10. Informix IDS 11. TimesTen 12. Oracle 13. SQL Lite 14. Exadata Total 224 data copy vectors. CSV -> DB. DB->DB DB->CSV
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    A free constants calculator

    Calculates various math constants to arbritary precision using very simple algorithms. Supports three different bases and both integer and floating point limbs. Currently tested only on x86 Windows, though it should compile and run fine on Linux too.
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    Font Converter

    It is a tool coverts unicode Kartika Malayalam to ISFOC Malayalam

    Font Converter is a utilty for windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 that converts Unicode(UTF-16) Kartika Malayalam paragraphs(Usually written in web and output of Google input tools) to ISFOC ML-TT font paragraphs. The output of this program can be used in Malayalam Notice/Poster/Any designs this will make the designs look stylish and amazing.. Don't worry if your browser shows this download could harm your computer, Its due to missing of Digital Signature. Administrator privileges...
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