A program to calculate and represent the Mandelbrot set
Manage PERCo locks
Simple Scientific Workflow System for CAGE Analysis
JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps
Outlook macros for implementing GTD
Another JSON extension for SAP ABAP
A tool for Gene Expression Correlation Network
Activities Based Costing - Costeo Basado en Actividades
Agile + Pomodoro Time Management Freeware
3D urban environment renderer : browser-app ; as well as a GTA clone
Multiplatform Ham Radio APRS and Mapping Program
Grepolis utility
Plugin to allow search from multiple Freemind maps
a very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering sys
Simple web interface for mapping CDR from VoIP provider to Asterisk
An easy, social publishing platform for groups and individuals.
Demos new techniques for extracting information from PQ data files
rete monitoraggio ambientale partecipativo
argument map editor for analyzing and visualizing complex debates
FreeDatamap spatializes the map of your organization’s data.
Baidu brain map
Polarized ToF reflectivity raw data analysis tool